efa inventory admin-state

Changes, displays, and deletes device state, state change history, or state change record.


efa inventory admin-state up [ --ip ipaddr|--help ]
efa inventory admin-state down [--ip ipaddr|--help ]
efa inventory admin-state detail [--uuid uuid|--help ]
efa inventory admin-state delete [ --key ipaddr|--help ]
efa inventory admin-state history [--ip ipaddr|--help ]
efa inventory admin-state show [--ip ipaddr|--help ]


up --ip ipaddr
Changes the state of the specified device to "admin up" and generates a UUID for the instance.
down --ip ipaddr
Changes the state of the specified device to "admin down." Also puts the device in maintenance mode and generates a UUID for the instance.
detail --uuid uuid
Displays details of the admin state change for the specified UUID.
delete –-key ipaddr
Deletes the instance of the admin state change for the specified IP address.
history --ip ipaddr
Displays the admin status history for the specified device.
show --ip ipaddr
Displays details of the state of the specified device. Derives the operational up or down status from the health status of the device.
Displays help for the selected command.

Usage Guidelines

When a device changes to "admin down" state, the device goes into maintenance mode.

When a device changes to "admin up" state, the device is taken out of maintenance mode.

For more information, see the "Administered Partial Success" topic in the Extreme Fabric Automation Administration Guide.


This example changes the device state to "admin up" and generates a UUID to use in the efa inventory admin-state detail version of the command.
$ efa inventory admin-state up --ip
AdminStateUp [success]
Admin State Up execution UUID: 8d9fa0cf-dc76-42cc-ac7a-57902a47c1b2
This example changes the device state to "admin down" generates a UUID to use in the efa inventory admin-state detail version of the command.
$ efa inventory admin-state down --ip
AdminStateDown [success]
Admin State Down execution UUID: 28eb0845-7a7a-4851-b453-b3020c6900f2
This example displays the history of the admin status for the specified device.
# efa inventory admin-state history --ip
UUID 	                           Device IP     Admin State  Status   
8d9fa0cf-dc76-42cc-ac7a-57902a47c1b2  up 	  success  
28eb0845-7a7a-4851-b453-b3020c6900f2  down        success  
Device State Change Records
— Time Elapsed: 172.640786ms —
This example shows details of admin state changes for the specified UUID.
$ efa inventory admin-state detail --uuid 28eb0845-7a7a-4851-b453-b3020c6900f2

NAME 	       VALUE
UUID 	       28eb0845-7a7a-4851-b453-b3020c6900f2
Device IP
Admin State Action down
Status 	     success
Maintenance Mode Enable Status 	success
Start Time 	2020-07-30 10:04:33.982447 +0000 UTC
Last Modified    2020-07-30 10:04:38.437425 +0000 UTC
Duration 	 4.454976211s
— Time Elapsed: 183.253381ms —
This example shows details of the state of the specified device.
$ efa inventory admin-state show --ip
NAME 	            VALUE
Device IP
Admin State             up
Health Check Status     Disable
— Time Elapsed: 241.831181ms —
This example deletes the state change instance for the specified IP address.
$ efa inventory admin-state delete --key
--------------------------   deleted 	 
— Time Elapsed: 216.332171ms —