efa vcenter debug

A set of debug commands for troubleshooting EFA vCenter issues. This command also sets configuration parameters for vCenter tenants.


efa vcenter debug tenant show --host string
efa vcenter debug event show --host string [ --page int32 | --page-size int32 ]
efa vcenter debug setting show
efa vcenter debug setting update [ --poll-requency string | --dead-link-clearing-time string ]
efa vcenter debug set --level [ info | debug ]

Command Default

This command has no defaults.


tenant show
Shows a list of tenants for a particular VMware vCenter server host.
event show
Shows a list of events recorded for a particular VMware vCenter server host.
setting show
Shows the different settings configured on the VMware vCenter server host. These settings are global in nature and are applicable to all VMware vCenter Server hosts registered with this EFA vCenter Service instance.
setting update
Updates the different settings for the added VMware vCenter server hosts registered with this EFA vCenter Service instance. These settings are applicable to all the VMware vCenter Server hosts.
Sets the debug level for this instance of EFA vCenter service. Debug levels can be set to receiving information level messages or complete debugging messages.
--host string
IP address or hostname of the VMware vCenter Server to connect to.
--page int32
Events are fetched for the page number specified in this parameter. When this parameter is not passed, page number 1 is always fetched by default.
--page-size int32
The number of events to display per page. When this parameter is not passed, twenty (20) records are shown per page.
--poll-requency string
The poll duration in hours. The EFA vCenter Service polls all the VMware vCenter servers registered with it after this time duration has expired.
--dead-link-clearing-time string
The time duration in days. This is the time duration for which dead links are removed from the EFA vCenter service database.
--level { info | debug }
Sets the debug level for this EFA vCenter service instance. Can be one of info or debug. Use info to view only messages of the level info. Use debug to view all debug messages.


The following example shows the debug information for tenant creation failure for a VMware vCenter Server with IP It also displays other errors if they have been reported.

$ efa vcenter debug tenant --host
Tenant Configuration Details for vCenter
| Tenant Name          | Ports | VLANs  | Status          | Reason                                                       |
| vcenter- |       | 2-4089 | Creation Failed | Tenant vcenter- is missing the                   |
|                      |       |        |                 | following interfaces:"ethernet-0/5"            |
|                      |       |        |                 |"ethernet-0/11""ethernet-0/10"      |
|                      |       |        |                 |"ethernet-0/10""ethernet-0/5"      |
Tenant Details

EPG Configuration Details for vCenter 
| EPG Name                                              | Ports             | POs | Switchport Mode | VLANS | Status          | Reason                                             |
| vCenter_10.24.85.111_10.24.82.20_vSwitch1_VMNetwork2  |[0/11] |     | trunk           | 101   | Creation Failed | EPG cannot be created for a tenant having no ports |

Endpoint Group Details
--- Time Elapsed: 381.0047ms ---

This example shows the output for the efa vcenter debug setting show command.

$ efa vcenter debug setting show

vCenter service settings
| Poll Frequency Hours | Dead Link Clearing Time Days |
| 4                    | 3                            |
Setting Details
--- Time Elapsed: 11.409207ms ---

This example shows the output for the efa vcenter debug tenant command.

$ efa vcenter debug tenant --host

|     Tenant Name      | Ports | VLANs  |        Status        | Reason |
| vcenter- |       | 2-4089 | Created Successfully |        |
Tenant Details

EPG Configuration Details for vCenter
| EPG Name | Ports | POs | Switchport Mode | VLANS | Status | Reason |
Endpoint Group Details
--- Time Elapsed: 429.0076ms ---

This example shows the output for the efa vcenter debug event command.

$ efa vcenter debug event --host

| Task: Update network configuration                           |        | ESXi Host                     | 2020.03.03 23:44:25 | 188872 |
| dvPort group VM network 200-220 in SRA-Dev-DC                | VM network 200-220 | Distributed Virtual Portgroup | 2020.03.03 16:23:26 | 188569 |
| was reconfigured.      Modified:                             |                    |                               |                     |        |
| config.defaultPortConfig.vlan: (inherited = false, vlanId    |                    |                               |                     |        |
| = 200) -> (inherited = false, vlanId = ((start = 0, end =    |                    |                               |                     |        |
| 200)));    Added:     Deleted:                               |                    |                               |                     |        |
| Task: Update network configuration                           |        | ESXi Host                     | 2020.03.03 16:21:10 | 188565 |
| dvPort group VM network 200-220 in SRA-Dev-DC                | VM network 200-220 | Distributed Virtual Portgroup | 2020.03.03 16:19:04 | 188564 |
| was reconfigured.      Modified:                             |                    |                               |                     |        |
| config.defaultPortConfig.vlan: (inherited = false, vlanId =  |                    |                               |                     |        |
| ((start = 200, end = 220))) -> (inherited = false, vlanId =  |                    |                               |                     |        |
| 200);    Added:     Deleted:                                 |                    |                               |                     |        |
Events Details
--- Time Elapsed: 507.006ms ---

The following is an example of the efa vcenter debug tenant command.

$ efa vcenter debug tenant --host

Tenant Configuration Details for vCenter
|     Tenant Name      | Ports | VLANs  |        Status        | Reason |
| vcenter- |       | 2-4089 | Created Successfully |        |
Tenant Details
EPG Configuration Details for vCenter
| EPG Name | Ports | POs | Switchport Mode | VLANS | Status | Reason |
Endpoint Group Details
--- Time Elapsed: 429.0076ms ---

$ efa vcenter debug event --host

vCenter Events Total Count (4) for host
|                         Description                          |       Target       |          Target Type          |        Time         |   ID   |
| Task: Update network configuration                           |        | ESXi Host                     | 2020.03.03 23:44:25 | 188872 |
| dvPort group VM network 200-220 in SRA-Dev-DC                | VM network 200-220 | Distributed Virtual Portgroup | 2020.03.03 16:23:26 | 188569 |
| was reconfigured.      Modified:                             |                    |                               |                     |        |
| config.defaultPortConfig.vlan: (inherited = false, vlanId    |                    |                               |                     |        |
| = 200) -> (inherited = false, vlanId = ((start = 0, end =    |                    |                               |                     |        |
| 200)));    Added:     Deleted:                               |                    |                               |                     |        |
| Task: Update network configuration                           |        | ESXi Host                     | 2020.03.03 16:21:10 | 188565 |
| dvPort group VM network 200-220 in SRA-Dev-DC                | VM network 200-220 | Distributed Virtual Portgroup | 2020.03.03 16:19:04 | 188564 |
| was reconfigured.      Modified:                             |                    |                               |                     |        |
| config.defaultPortConfig.vlan: (inherited = false, vlanId =  |                    |                               |                     |        |
| ((start = 200, end = 220))) -> (inherited = false, vlanId =  |                    |                               |                     |        |
| 200);    Added:     Deleted:                                 |                    |                               |                     |        |
Events Details
--- Time Elapsed: 507.006ms ---

This command sets the polling frequencty to 5 minutes.

$ efa vcenter debug setting update --poll-frequency=5

vCenter service settings updated successfully
--- Time Elapsed: 366.992ms ---

This example command sets the dead-link-cleaning-time value to 4 days.

$ efa vcenter debug setting update --dead-link-clearing-time=4

vCenter service settings updated successfully
--- Time Elapsed: 381.2133ms ---

This example sets the log level to debug for this EFA instance.

$ efa vcenter debug set --level=debug

Level debug set successfully.
--- Time Elapsed: 12.0073ms ---