Rollback EFA

Initiate a rollback when there is a deployment failure.


  1. Unwind the partial installation or undeploy the failed EFA 2.5.x instance.
    no efa deploy
  2. Copy the EFA 2.4.x instance.
    efa deploy
  3. Restore EFA database.
    efa system restore
  4. Use the system backups available in the /apps/efa_logs/backup/ directory or copy the required backup files in the /apps/efa_logs/backup/ directory.
  5. Copy the file from the remote location to the /apps/efa_logs/backup/ directory.
  6. Login as an Extreme user to the EFA system.
  7. Restore the EFA configuration.
    efa system restore –backup-tar <file_name>
  8. Post EFA rollback, if you see the devices in fabric show up as cfg refresh error, run an inventory update.
    efa inventory device update –ip <device_ip>