The Postboot Menu is displayed for the first time after you boot the VM. It is not displayed for subsequent reboots.================================================================================= Extreme Networks, Inc. - Extreme Fabric Automation - Welcome to the Extreme Fabric Automation Setup ================================================================================= Please enter the information as it is requested to continue with the configuration. Typically a default value is displayed in brackets. Pressing the [enter] key without entering a new value will use the bracketed value and proceed to the next item. If a default value cannot be provided, the prompt will indicate that the item is either (Required) or (Optional). The [enter] key may be pressed without entering data for (Optional) items. A value must be entered for (Required) items. At the end of the setup process, the existing settings will be displayed and opportunity will be provided to correct any errors. ================================================================================= Press [enter] to begin setup or CTRL-C to exit:
================================================================================ Extreme Networks, Inc. - Extreme Fabric Automation - Modify Settings ================================================================================ All of the information needed to complete the installation of the Extreme Fabric Automation has been entered. Enter 0 or any key other than a valid selection to continue If you need to make a change, enter the appropriate number from the choices listed below. ================================================================================ 1. Set the root user password 2. Set network settings 3. Confirm settings and continue 4. Exit Enter selection :
To exit screen, press CTRL-C.
================================================================================ Extreme Networks, Inc. - Extreme Fabric Automation - Root Password Configuration ================================================================================ The root password is currently set for this appliance. ================================================================================ Would you like to set a root password (y/n) [y]? y Enter new UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password:
================================================================================ Extreme Networks, Inc. - Extreme Fabric Automation - Modify Settings ================================================================================ All of the information needed to complete the installation of the Extreme Fabric Automation has been entered. Enter 0 or any key other than a valid selection to continue If you need to make a change, enter the appropriate number from the choices listed below. ================================================================================ 1. Set the root user password 2. Set network settings 3. Confirm settings and continue 4. Exit Enter selection : The screen after user pressed “2” for network settings, ============================================================================= Extreme Networks, Inc. - Extreme Fabric Automation Interface Configuration ============================================================================= Configure the interface with static IP . Please choose below option 1. Static 2. Quit Enter selection :
================================================================================== Extreme Networks, Inc. - Extreme Fabric Automation Interface Configuration Static ================================================================================== Enter the IPv4 address in cidr format(Required): Enter the IPv4 gateway address (Required): Enter the nameserver address (Required):
=========================================================================== Extreme Networks, Inc. - Extreme Fabric Automation - Modify Settings =========================================================================== All of the information needed to complete the installation of the Extreme Fabric Automation has been entered. Enter 0 or any key other than a valid selection to continue If you need to make a change, enter the appropriate number from the choices listed below. =========================================================================== 1. Set the root user password 2. Set network settings 3. Confirm settings and continue 4. Exit Enter selection :3 These are the current settings that will be used to configure. ========================================================= Address type: Static IP Address: Gateway Address: Nameserver Address: ========================================================= Would you like to accept the current network settings and REBOOT (y/n) [y]?