Line-Editing Keys

Line-Editing Keys describes the line-editing keys available using the CLI.

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Line-Editing Keys

Key(s) Description
Left arrow or [Ctrl] + B Moves the cursor one character to the left.
Right arrow or [Ctrl] + F Moves the cursor one character to the right.
[Ctrl] + H or Backspace Deletes character to left of cursor and shifts remainder of line to left.
[Ctrl] + D Deletes character under cursor and shifts remainder of line to left.
[Ctrl] + K Deletes characters from under cursor to end of line.
[Insert] Toggles on and off. When toggled on, inserts text and shifts previous text to right.
[Ctrl] + A Moves cursor to first character in line.
[Ctrl] + E Moves cursor to last character in line.
[Ctrl] + L Clears screen and moves cursor to beginning of line.
[Ctrl] + P or Up arrow Displays previous command in command history buffer and places cursor at end of command.
[Ctrl] + N or Down arrow Displays next command in command history buffer and places cursor at end of command.
[Ctrl] + U Clears all characters typed from cursor to beginning of line.
[Ctrl] + W Deletes previous word.
[Ctrl] + C Interrupts the current CLI command execution.