You can configure rule compression in ACLs to be either shared or dedicated.
In the dedicated mode, ACL rules that have counters are assigned a separate rule space and the counter accurately shows the count of matching events. If the ACL with counter is applied to ports 1 and 2, and 10 packets ingress via port 1 and 20 packets ingress via port 2, the ACL counter value for ports 1 and 2 is 10 and 20 packets respectively. More space is used and the process is slower than shared. Dedicated is the default setting.
Port-Counter shared mode will not work when ports are on across slots and units.The shared/dedicated setting is global to the switch; that is, the option does not support setting some ACL rules with shared counters and some with dedicated counters.
Use the following command to configure the shared or dedicated mode:
configure access-list rule-compression port-counters [shared | dedicated]
Use the following command to view the configuration:
show access-list configuration
To configure all ACLs in the shared mode, enter the command before any ACLs are configured or have been saved in the configuration when a switch is booted.