Perform USB Disk-Based Recovery


  1. From the serial console, download and decompress the software tarball.
  2. Transfer the resulting directory to an inserted USB 3.0 device.
  3. Eject or unmount the USB device and insert it into the USB port on the front panel of the Extreme 9920 device.
  4. Run the fdisk -1 command. In the output, locate the device identifier of the inserted USB device.
    The USB device is generally the last device listed.
  5. Run the mkdir /media and mount /dev/<device-identifier> /media commands.
    You might see a warning, but the disk should mount.
  6. Change directory to the Network Packet Broker software that you want to install and start the installation using the onie-nos-installer file: //.
  7. Select the binary file for the Extreme 9920.
    ONIE:/ #cd media/
    ONIE:/ media/ #ls ONLPv2_ONIE_installer.bin.NGNPB_<version_date_build>_UTC
    The device reboots and loads the software.