Perform NFS-Based Recovery


  1. On a Linux device, configure a NFS share, download and decompress the software tarball, and move the resulting directory to the root of the NFS share.
  2. On the Extreme 9920 device, configure and verify network connectivity to the server.
    1. Configure the network.
      # ifconfig eth1 netmask up
    2. Configure the default route.
      # route add default gw
    3. Verify network connectivity to the server.
      # ping
  3. Run the mkdir /media and mount :/<path-to-NFS-share>/ /media commands.
    If an error results, troubleshoot the mount command. You might need more parameters or a more explicit path.
  4. Change directory to the Network Packet Broker software that you want to install and start the installation using the onie-nos-installer file: //.
  5. Select the binary file for the Extreme 9920.
    ONIE:/ #cd media/
    ONIE:/ media/ #ls ONLPv2_ONIE_installer.bin.NGNPB_<version_date_build>_UTC
    The process takes approximately 15 to 20 minutes to complete. The device reboots and loads the software.