New In This Release

ExtremeCloud Orchestrator 3.3.1 introduces the following feature and resolves a few issues through defect fixes. For information about XCO deployment, refer to the ExtremeCloud Orchestrator Deployment Guide, 3.3.0 .



In release 3.2.0 and later, Extreme Fabric Automation (EFA) is referred to as ExtremeCloud Orchestrator (XCO). The terms EFA and XCO refer to the same product and are used interchangeably.
Table 1. Features and Improvements
Feature Description
Multi protocol BGP configuration Enable or disable IPv6 prefix over IPv4 peer for all BGP peer groups in the system.

For more information, refer to the ExtremeCloud Orchestrator CLI Administration Guide, 3.3.1 .

For other additional information, see Defects Closed with Code Changes.