Open Defects

There are no open defects for ExtremeCloud Orchestrator 3.4.1 and the following defects are open in ExtremeCloud Orchestrator 3.4.0.

Parent Defect ID: XCO-3445 Issue ID: XCO-3445
Product: XCO Reported in Release: EFA 3.0.0
Symptom: DRC will not identify the drift and hence will not reconcile the drifted configuration
Condition: Below are the steps to reproduce the issue:
  1. Configure multi rack Non-CLOS fabric.
  2. Manually remove the below set of configurations on device under:


    no neighbor 172.x.x.x password xxxx

    no neighbor 172.x.x.x update-source loopback 1

    no neighbor 172.x.x.x peer-group overlay-ebgp-group

    address-family l2vpn evpn

    no retain route-target all

  3. Run "efa inventory drift-reconcile execute --ip <device-ip>"
Recovery: Manually reconfigure the removed configurations from the device
Parent Defect ID: XCO-3471 Issue ID: XCO-3471
Product: XCO Reported in Release: EFA 3.1.0
Symptom: Stale BGP Peer-group entry configured under router BGP on SLX Border leaf and Spine devices with none of the BGP neighbors linked with the Peer group.
  1. Create a 3-stage CLOS fabric, add devices with MCT leaf, spine, and border-leaf and configure the fabric.
  2. Convert the 3-stage CLOS fabric to a 5-stage CLOS fabric using the fabric migrate command.

    "efa fabric migrate --type "3-to-5-stage" --source-fabric <source-fabric> --destination-3-stage-leaf-spine-pod <pod-name> --destination-3-stage-border-leaf-pod <pod-name>"

  3. Add super-spine POD devices to the migrated 5-stage CLOS fabric.
  4. Disconnect the BorderLeaf to Spine links and reconnect the BorderLeaf to Super-Spine links.
  5. Configure the migrated 5-stage CLOS fabric.
Recovery: Manually delete the stale BGP peer-groups from both the Border Leaf and Spine devices
Parent Defect ID: XCO-4128 Issue ID: XCO-4128
Product: XCO Reported in Release: EFA 3.0.0
Symptom: Port-channel partial configuration are present on device for SLX NPB devices
Condition: Port-channel configuration failed from UI, on device still the partial configuration is present.
Workaround: Make sure that all the configuration information are correctly populated from UI so that configuration will not fail on device.
Recovery: Login to SLX CLI and delete the given port channel and click on refresh configuration on XCO UI from device action list.
Parent Defect ID: XCO-4129 Issue ID: XCO-4129
Product: XCO Reported in Release: EFA 3.0.0
Symptom: Disable of vn-tag header strip and enabling of 802.1BR header strip fails from XCO GUI for SLX NPB
Condition: When vn-tag header strip is enabled on an interface, disabling the vn-tag header strip and enabling the 802.1BR header strip in a single operation fails from XCO GUI.
Workaround: Disable the vn-tag header strip in first operation (save the port update) and then edit port again for enabling 802.1BR header strip option.
Recovery: N/A
Parent Defect ID: XCO-6964 Issue ID: XCO-6964
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.2.0
Symptom: Upgrade was successful but a Failed message appears at the end of upgrade..

message is "Status: Failed"

Condition: Upgrade XCO with latest build.

Issue is seen only on customer setup.

Parent Defect ID: XCO-7100 Issue ID: XCO-7100
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.2.0
Symptom: "Target TPVM Version" Does not display until new TPVM is already installed.
Condition: During the TPVM upgrade, "Target TPVM Version" gets updated late in the workflow.
Recovery: The correct Target TPVM version gets updated after the new version is installed.
Parent Defect ID: XCO-8191 Issue ID: XCO-8191
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.3.0
Symptom: If you run concurrent epg update commands operation as port-group-add or vrf-add on bridge-domain EPGs that are associated with more than one ctag, one or some of the commands may fail with error "Save for device failed".
Condition: This is observed more often when more than 3 concurrent EPG port-group-add commands with non-conflicting ports and non-overlapping ctag-range are executed. Occasionally, configuration information that is pushed by one command is not used properly to prepare command recipe for another, causing the failure of one command.
Workaround: Rerunning the failing command will succeed. The error is intermittent and does not cause permanent changes. XCO state information is not affected at any point.
Recovery: No recovery is required as no state change is done as part of this failure.
Parent Defect ID: XCO-8550 Issue ID: XCO-8550
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.3.0
Symptom: IPV6 deployment failing with default GW errors even IPv6 XCO server can reach to default Gateway.

IPv6 deployment is failed in below condition.

Failed condition-

default proto static metric 1024

nexthop via 2600:3c01:e000:e2::2 dev eth0 weight 1

expecting the below pattern -

fe80::/64 dev veth0a9acd23 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium

default via 2620:100:c:e085:20c:29ff:fee1:3ec1 dev ens160 metric 1024 pref medium


User has to add the default route using below command-

sudo ip -6 route add default via <IPv6 address of default gw> dev <exit interface>


sudo ip -6 route add default via fc00::5:204:96ff:fed6:f288 dev eth0

Parent Defect ID: XCO-8735 Issue ID: XCO-8735
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.3.0
Symptom: Inventory and device page showing different firmware version.
Condition: Post firmware upgrade, Inventory and device page showing different firmware version.
Workaround: Post device discovery, device page shows correct firmware ware version.
Parent Defect ID: XCO-8829 Issue ID: XCO-8829
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.2.1
Symptom: New firmware-host registry fails when single quote is used in the password.
Condition: Single quote is used in the password.
Workaround: Use the password with no single quote.
Parent Defect ID: XCO-9137 Issue ID: XCO-9137
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.3.0
Symptom: EFA upgrade from release 2.7.2 to 3.3.0
Condition: When DNS was removed before upgrade.
Workaround: DNS configuration should not be changed between upgrades.
Recovery: If DNS config removed, after upgrade to EFA 3.3.0 use script to disallow DNS using following steps:
  1. Bash --dns-action disallow.
  2. Get the coredns pod name using k3s kubectl get pods -n kube-system.
  3. Restart Coredns pod using k3s kubectl delete pod <coredns pod name> -n kube-system.
  4. Wait for few mins or Restart All efa pods using:

    sudo efactl stop.

    sudo efactl start.

Parent Defect ID: XCO-9178 Issue ID: XCO-9178
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.4.0
Symptom: When a device is removed from fabric which has QoS configuration, not all QoS configuration is removed from the device and EFA.
Condition: Device is deleted from fabric
Workaround: User needs to unbind the policies (QoS) from all the relevant targets (fabric/tenant/port/po) before executing the fabric device delete to avoid the stale policies(QoS) in the system.
Parent Defect ID: XCO-9190 Issue ID: XCO-9190
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.3.0
Symptom: VM GUI Library matches shows 2 devices when only 1 device discovered.
Condition: Remove all the devices and discover only one device.
Parent Defect ID: XCO-9195 Issue ID: XCO-9195
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.3.0
Symptom: XCO3.3 VM GUI won't allow library copy for matches.
Condition: Go to Library page using XCO GUI and try to make a copy using edit option.
Parent Defect ID: XCO-9217 Issue ID: XCO-9217
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.3.0
Symptom: CLI for efactl restart throwing retrying and failed messages on customer setup only.
Condition: Run the CLI efactl restart command on GTAC setup and user can see the failed pop-up trace even those pods restart completed successfully.
Parent Defect ID: XCO-9224 Issue ID: XCO-9224
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.4.0
Symptom: QoS application is not taking place after changing interface switch port modes or changing the interface from L2 to L3 or vice-a-versa through OOB (out of band) means.
Condition: Modifying the switchport mode followed by executing auto DRC.
Recovery: Remove all OOB Interface configuration and restore the configuration to the original EFA configured values and re-run DRC.
Parent Defect ID: XCO-9270 Issue ID: XCO-9270
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.3.1
Symptom: Standby node showing 'down' after node reboot
Condition: Trigger SLX reload using below command where the active XCO node is running and check the node status after reboot (when it becomes standby)

echo c >/proc/sysrq-trigger

Recovery: Reboot both active and standby nodes to recover from the situation
Parent Defect ID: XCO-9284 Issue ID: XCO-9284
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.4.0
Symptom: Copy default-config to startup-config with maintenance mode enabled will remove all config including QoS policies on a device. Further running DRC does not properly re-install all QoS configuration.
Recovery: Remove the device from inventory then register the device back.
Parent Defect ID: XCO-9291 Issue ID: XCO-9291
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.4.0
Symptom: The fabric internal ports QoS profile is not getting applied on fabric internal ports when Leaf devices are converted from single-homed to multi-homed by adding new Leaf device.
Condition: The fabric internal ports QoS profile is not getting applied on fabric internal ports when Leaf devices are converted from single-homed to multi-homed by adding new Leaf device.

User can issue unbind of fabric internal port QoS profile and rebind the fabric internal port QoS profile using below commands.

Unbind Fabric internal ports QoS profile:

efa policy qos profile unbind --name <profile_name> --fabric <fabric_name> --port fabric-internal

Bind Fabric internal ports QoS profile:

efa policy qos profile bind --name <profile_name> --fabric <fabric_name> --port fabric-internal


User can issue unbind of fabric internal port QoS profile and rebind the fabric internal port QoS profile using below commands.

Unbind Fabric internal ports QoS profile:

efa policy qos profile unbind --name <profile_name> --fabric <fabric_name> --port fabric-internal

Bind Fabric internal ports QoS profile:

efa policy qos profile bind --name <profile_name> --fabric <fabric_name> --port fabric-internal

Parent Defect ID: XCO-9331 Issue ID: XCO-9331
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.4.0
Symptom: If a tenant interface level qos profile binding exist on a port channel and the port channel is removed from the device via OOB (Out Of Band) triggering DRC will not re-install the Tenant level interface binding.
Condition: Removing a Port Channel from a device via OOB (Out of Band) and triggering DRC.
Workaround: Once the port channel is restored by the DRC process on the device the user will need to re-apply/rebind the desired QoS profile on the tenant interface (port channel) using

efa policy qos profile bind --name <profile_name> --tenant <tenant_name> --po <port channel ID>

Recovery: Once the port channel is restored by the DRC process on the device the user will need to re-apply/rebind the desired QoS profile on the tenant interface (port channel) using

efa policy qos profile bind --name <profile_name> --tenant <tenant_name> --po <port channel ID>

Parent Defect ID: XCO-9336 Issue ID: XCO-9336
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.4.0
Symptom: Inventory device delete is not removing qos config on the spine device
Condition: Device deletion from inventory which has QoS configuration
Workaround: User needs to unbind the policies (QoS) from all the relevant targets (fabric/tenant/port/po) before running the inventory device delete.
Recovery: User needs to unbind the policies (QoS) from all the relevant targets (fabric/tenant/port/po). After this user needs to delete the leftover QoS configuration from SLX.
Parent Defect ID: XCO-9341 Issue ID: XCO-9341
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.2.1
Symptom: App state for one of the border leaf shows 'cfg-refresh-error'.
Condition: Due to some reason if mariadb restarts on active XCO node, "Error : dial tcp <xco-ip>:3306: connect: connection refused; invalid transaction; invalid transaction" is seen for 'efa fabric show' command. After db connection is successful, the app state for one of the border leaf shows 'cfg-refresh-error'.
To update the app-state for the device, the below recovery steps can be followed:
  1. On SLX: shut MCT ports.
  2. On XCO: efa inventory device update –ip <device-ip>.
  3. On SLX:, no shut MCT ports.
  4. On XCO: efa inventory device update –ip <device-ip>.
Parent Defect ID: XCO-9354 Issue ID: XCO-9354
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.3.1
Symptom: Threshold monitor configuration for monitor types(lif, bfd-session, vxlan-tunnel, mac-table) failed when we configure thru XCO to SLX device(starting from SLX version - 20.5.3).
Condition: Use XCO 3.3.1 and SLX version 20.5.3 and try the following cases:
  1. Set monitor threshold for lif, bfd-session, vxlan-tunnel, mac-table thru XCO failed only when we use count/interval fields.
  2. Unset monitor threshold for lif, bfd-session, vxlan-tunnel, mac-table thru XCO failed. Here Unset logic tries to clear all fields including count/interval fields by default.
  1. Set monitor threshold for types lif, bfd-session, vxlan-tunnel, & mac-table thru XCO without count/interval fields.
  2. Unset can't be done by XCO. Instead it can be unset directly in SLX using the following commands:

    no threshold-monitor <monitor-type>

    Or use XCO 3.3.1 with SLX version 20.5.2a for functioning without any issue.

Parent Defect ID: XCO-9362 Issue ID: XCO-9362
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.4.0

The fabric internal ports QoS profile is not getting applied on intended ports:

1) When a new device is being added to CLOS fabric and fabric is configured.

2) When a new rack is added to non-CLOS fabric and fabric is configured.



Fabric internal ports QoS profile is already applied on a fabric (CLOS or non-CLOS).

Issue will be seen:

1) When a new device is being added to CLOS fabric and fabric is configured.

2) When a new rack is added to non-CLOS fabric and fabric is configured


User can issue unbind of fabric internal port QoS profile and rebind the fabric internal port QoS profile using below commands.

Unbind Fabric internal QoS profile:

efa policy qos profile unbind --name <profile_name> --fabric <fabric_name> --port fabric-internal

Bind Fabric internal QoS profile:

efa policy qos profile bind --name <profile_name> --fabric <fabric_name> --port fabric-internal


User can issue unbind of fabric internal port QoS profile and rebind the fabric internal port QoS profile using below commands.

Unbind Fabric internal QoS profile:

efa policy qos profile unbind --name <profile_name> --fabric <fabric_name> --port fabric-internal

Bind Fabric internal QoS profile:

efa policy qos profile bind --name <profile_name> --fabric <fabric_name> --port fabric-internal

Parent Defect ID: XCO-9363 Issue ID: XCO-9363
Product: XCO Reported in Release: XCO 3.4.0
Symptom: Tenant and Tenant Interface QoS policy information is not fully removed from EFA DB and SLX device when the tenant delete with --force option is specified.
Condition: Issue is observed when user issues the command 'efa tenant delete --name <tenant_name> --force'
Workaround: This is covered in the targeted Generic Release notes (item)

User needs to unbind the policies (QoS) from all the relevant targets (fabric/tenant/port/port channel/tenant endpoint group) before executing the force operations including delete to avoid the stale policies(QoS) in the system.

Parent Defect ID: XCO-9381 Issue ID: XCO-9381
Product: XCO Reported in Release: EFA 2.7.2
Symptom: 9740 devices with breakout port configured, DRC fails for even numbered port.
Condition: If XCO is upgraded from previous version to 3.2.0 version.
Workaround: Perform fresh install followed by reconfiguration of breakout ports and its respective configuration.