Known Limitations in Fabric Skill

Follow these caveats and limitations when using Fabric Skill.

Standby XCO Down after many unexpected reloads of the Active Node

Symptom Condition Workaround
After ~30 failovers the standby was found to be Down. While testing HA resiliency by forcing a Kernel Panic on the active node This is a known defect with the Open Source MariaDB 10.6.10 which falls into a core-dump crash loop.
  1. Stop MariaDB service:

    sudo systemctl stop mariadb.service

  2. Remove the Galera Cluster Cache:

    sudo rm -f /apps/efadata/mysql/galera.cache

  3. Restart MariaDB service:

    sudo systemctl start mariadb.service

  4. Confirm if MariaDB has started:

    systemctl status mariadb

Quality of Service (QoS) policy service support

VRF delete from EPG and re-adding VRF to EPG fails intermittently

Symptom Condition Workaround
Endpoint group (EPG) update vrf-add operation fails with the reason as VRF to be added has conflicting VRF on the switch. Run EPG update vrf-add, vrf-delete, and vrf-add operation CLI in quick succession:
  1. Update EPG for operation vrf-add.
  2. Update EPG for operation vrf-delete.
  3. Update the same EPG again with operation vrf-add for the same VRF which was deleted in step 2.
Wait of 30 seconds between the EPG update vrf-add and vrf-delete operations on the same EPG.

REST operations are not retried (as applicable) during the service boot

Symptom Condition Workaround
REST operations are not retried (as applicable) during the service boot up. After publishing the necessary events on the message bus, the status for the REST operations are nit set automatically. Manually set the status for all REST operations.

RBAC: XCO shows "export EFA_TOKEN" command suggestion when a tenant user logs in

Symptom Condition Workaround
XCO shows a export EFA_TOKEN message after a tenant user with RBAC logs in to the system. When a user is created with the default login shell as sh. XCO supports only bash shell for login or any other CLI commands.

Ensure that bash is specified as the default login shell for all XCO user accounts.

EFA Token command message

Type this in your shell:

export EFA_TOKEN=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjEuMCIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJjb21tb25fbmFtZSI6IkVGQSBUb2tlbiBTZXJ2aWNlIiwidWFzIjpbeyJ0YXJnZXQiOiJFRkEiLCJyb2xlIjoiVlIyLVRudEFkbWluIn1dLCJvcmciOiJFeHRyZW1lIE5ldHdvcmtzIiwidmVyIjoiMS4wIiwiaWQiOiIiLCJleHAiOjE2NDUyNDcxNDIsImp0aSI6IjZjMjA4ZDUxLTkwNzgtMTFlYy1iZjk5LWNhNzk1MDY1YzIwNyIsImlhdCI6MTY0NTE2MDc0MiwiaXNzIjoiRUZBIFRva2VuIFNlcnZpY2UiLCJuYmYiOjE2NDUxNjA3NDIsInN1YiI6InVzZXIyIn0.b7m5PINijeEdNSqnTeE2ZhUrqKLKQAu079vXyBIdgHbXKt9ULfa03vMU1jfBO1qFb1-x0oHmsAQ0pSsF5JLeMaMzMflLf78ktZO8U5IePq72vM5en35IR-DNLyoGIZBeFeG6ZbBMoETzz5vf9OuefgQID3YdjcALr7yllCgDmLVFlgson77yCBpkTK15xm1GRbtL7JKXZzShBE7E3kdW7N71MdM85Gc3r4l-c8sfz7eo06gKrfTq9wXCv4_LVzR6-KRSg6NyLq363WEpcK1A2Hs0Wo3T9TpquYHNaCWA5I1QTsG-RHFdg4kxZP2fQpUp6Bgy1s6k59PVPn4-M-a8lA— Time Elapsed: 4.619465187s

XCO CLI or REST request with scale config takes longer than 15 minutes fails

Symptom Condition Workaround

Tenant2 delete is successful whereas deleting Tenant1 took more than 15 minutes and failed with the following message:

Error : service is not available or internal server error has occurred, please try again later

Tenant service was running.

Tenant1 was not available after the error.
When you try to delete tenants in a single rack small data center deployment configured with scale tenant config Any CLI or REST tenant operations, and any fabric operations taking more than 15 minutes, will timeout at the client side. The operation completes in the background. Run the efa tenant show command to view the actual state of the operation.