Shutting down and re-enabling the Telnet service

The Telnet service is enabled by default. Shutting down the Telnet service forcibly disconnects all Telnet sessions running on a device.

To shut down and then re-enable the Telnet service, perform the following steps.
  1. In privileged EXEC mode, enter global configuration mode.
    device# configure terminal
  2. To shut down the Telnet service on the device, enter telnet server shutdown.
    device(config)# telnet server use-vrf ?
    Possible completions:
      <VRF Name> Provide the vrf (mgmt-vrf,default-vrf or <user defined vrf>) on which to start/stop telnet server
    device# telnet server use-vrf red shutdown
    All Telnet sessions including any currently active sessions are immediately terminated, and cannot be re-established until the service is re-enabled.
  3. To re-enable the Telnet service on the device, enter no telnet server shutdown.
    device(config)# no telnet server use-vrf red shutdown


    The shutdown option for a given VRF is displayed only when the Telnet server was configured and then shutdown on that VRF. Otherwise, the VRF name and shutdown option are not displayed for the no form of the command.