
LLDP is a data-link layer protocol, operating above the MAC service layer, that performs basic neighbor discovery. The discovery process involves advertising the network device identity, capabilities, and interconnections on an IEEE 802 LAN network.

The protocol is formally referred to by the IEEE as Station and Media Access Control Connectivity Discovery specified in standards document 802.1AB.

External augmentations

module: brocade-interface
   +--rw interface
   |  +--rw ethernet [name]
   |  |  +--rw lldp:lldp
   |  |  |  +--rw lldp:dcbx-version?     enumeration
   |  |  |  +--rw lldp:disable?          empty
   |  |  |  +--rw lldp:iscsi-priority?   uint32
   |  |  |  +--rw lldp:profile?          string
   |  +--rw ethernet [name]
   |  |  +--rw lldp:lldp
   |  |  |  +--rw lldp:dcbx-version?     enumeration
   |  |  |  +--rw lldp:disable?          empty
   |  |  |  +--rw lldp:iscsi-priority?   uint32
   |  |  |  +--rw lldp:profile?          string
   |  +--rw ethernet [name]
   |  |  +--rw lldp:lldp
   |  |  |  +--rw lldp:dcbx-version?     enumeration
   |  |  |  +--rw lldp:disable?          empty
   |  |  |  +--rw lldp:iscsi-priority?   uint32
   |  |  |  +--rw lldp:profile?          string
   |  +--rw ethernet [name]
   |  |  +--rw lldp:lldp
   |  |  |  +--rw lldp:cee
   |  |  |  |  +--rw lldp:lldp-cee-on-off?   enumeration /*drop-node-name*/
   |  |  |  +--rw lldp:dcbx-version?     enumeration
   |  |  |  +--rw lldp:disable?          empty
   |  |  |  +--rw lldp:iscsi-priority?   uint32
   |  |  |  +--rw lldp:profile?          string
   +--rw protocol
   |  +--rw lldp:lldp?
   |  |  +--rw lldp:description?          string
   |  |  +--rw lldp:hello?                uint32
   |  |  +--rw lldp:mode?                 enumeration
   |  |  +--rw lldp:multiplier?           uint32
   |  |  +--rw lldp:advertise
   |  |  |  +--rw lldp:dcbx-fcoe-app-tlv?            empty
   |  |  |  +--rw lldp:dcbx-fcoe-logical-link-tlv?   empty
   |  |  |  +--rw lldp:dcbx-iscsi-app-tlv?           empty
   |  |  |  +--rw lldp:dcbx-tlv?                     empty
   |  |  |  +--rw lldp:dot1-tlv?                     empty
   |  |  |  +--rw lldp:dot3-tlv?                     empty
   |  |  |  +--rw lldp:optional-tlv
   |  |  |     +--rw lldp:management-address?           empty
   |  |  |     +--rw lldp:port-description?             empty
   |  |  |     +--rw lldp:system-capabilities?          empty
   |  |  |     +--rw lldp:adv-tlv-system-description?   empty /*alt-name:system-description*/
   |  |  |     +--rw lldp:adv-tlv-system-name?          empty /*alt-name:system-name*/
   |  |  +--rw lldp:system-name?          string
   |  |  +--rw lldp:system-description?   string
   |  |  +--rw lldp:iscsi-priority?       uint32
   |  |  +--rw lldp:disable?              empty
   |  |  +--rw lldp:profile [profile-name]
   |  |     +--rw lldp:profile-name    string
   |  |     +--rw lldp:description?    string
   |  |     +--rw lldp:hello?          uint32
   |  |     +--rw lldp:mode?           enumeration
   |  |     +--rw lldp:multiplier?     uint32
   |  |     +--rw lldp:advertise
   |  |        +--rw lldp:dcbx-fcoe-app-tlv?            empty
   |  |        +--rw lldp:dcbx-fcoe-logical-link-tlv?   empty
   |  |        +--rw lldp:dcbx-iscsi-app-tlv?           empty
   |  |        +--rw lldp:dcbx-tlv?                     empty
   |  |        +--rw lldp:dot1-tlv?                     empty
   |  |        +--rw lldp:dot3-tlv?                     empty
   |  |        +--rw lldp:optional-tlv
   |  |           +--rw lldp:management-address?           empty
   |  |           +--rw lldp:port-description?             empty
   |  |           +--rw lldp:system-capabilities?          empty
   |  |           +--rw lldp:adv-tlv-system-description?   empty /*alt-name:system-description*/
   |  |           +--rw lldp:adv-tlv-system-name?          empty /*alt-name:system-name*/