Verifying the Configuration

To verify that your stack is configured as you intended, log into the master node and issue any or all of the following commands.

These commands are also helpful when debugging problems with your stack.



The examples in the following sections show a stack consisting of four switches.

show stacking

The show stacking command displays the stack topology along with each node's slot number, state, and role (master, backup, or standby).

Slot-1 Stack.1 # show stacking
Stack Topology is a Ring
Active Topology is a Ring
Node MAC Address    Slot  Stack State  Role     Flags
------------------  ----  -----------  -------  ---
*00:04:96:9c:e4:39  1     Active       Master   CA-
00:04:96:9b:c1:34  2     Active       Backup   CA-
00:04:96:9e:5c:76  3     Active       Standby  CA-
00:04:96:9c:53:b6  4     Active       Standby  CA-
* - Indicates this node
Flags:  (C) Candidate for this active topology, (A) Active Node
        (O) node may be in Other active topology
In the command output, note that:
  • The asterisk (*) that precedes the node MAC address indicates the node to which you are logged in. The node MAC address is the address that is factory assigned to the stackable switch.
  • The slot number shown is the number currently in use by the related node. Because slot number configuration only takes effect during node initialization, a change in configured value alone does not cause a change to the slot number in use.
  • If a node role has not yet been determined, the node role indicates <none>. In a ring topology, the node on which this command is executed is always the first node displayed. In a daisy chain, the ends of the daisy chain are the first and last nodes displayed.
  • Even though the stack topology could be a ring, the active topology could be a daisy chain because it does not contain every node in the stack topology.
  • If the node on which this command is being executed is not active, the stacking topology is replaced with a line similar to this one:
    This node is not in an Active Topology.
  • It is possible for a node to be in stabilizing or waiting state and still be in the active topology.

show stacking configuration

The show stacking configuration command displays a summary of the stacking configuration for all nodes in the stack.

Slot-1 Stack.3 # show stacking configuration
Stack MAC in use: 02:04:96:9c:e4:39
Node               Slot         Alternate          Alternate
MAC Address        Cfg Cur Prio Mgmt IP / Mask     Gateway         Flags     Lic
------------------ --- --- ---- ------------------ --------------- --------- ---
*00:04:96:9c:e4:39 1   1   Auto <none>             <none>          CcEeMm-Nn --
00:04:96:9b:c1:34 2   2   Auto <none>             <none>          CcEeMm-Nn --
00:04:96:9e:5c:76 3   3   Auto <none>             <none>          --EeMm-Nn --
00:04:96:9c:53:b6 4   4   Auto <none>             <none>          --EeMm-Nn --
* - Indicates this node
Flags:  (C) master-Capable in use, (c) master-capable is configured,
        (E) Stacking is currently Enabled, (e) Stacking is configured Enabled,
        (M) Stack MAC in use, (m) Stack MACs configured and in use are the same,
        (i) Stack MACs configured and in use are not the same or unknown,
        (N) Enhanced protocol is in use, (n) Enhanced protocol is configured,
        (-) Not in use or not configured
License level restrictions: (C) Core, (A) Advanced edge, or (E) Edge in use,
        (c) Core, (a) Advanced edge, or (e) Edge configured,
        (-) Not in use or not configured
In the command output, note especially the values in the Flags column:
  • All nodes should have the Ee, Mm, and Nn flags active.
  • Additionally, the master and backup nodes should have the Cc flags active.

(The meanings of the flags are displayed at the bottom of the table in the command output.)

show slot

The show slot command shows the states of the nodes as they move from the empty to operational state.

Slot-1 Stack.2 # show slot
Slots    Type                 Configured           State       Ports
Slot-1   5520-12MW-36W                             Operational   48
Slot-2   5520-12MW-36W                             Operational   48
Slot-3   5520-12MW-36W                             Operational   48
Slot-4   5520-12MW-36W                             Operational   48
Slot-5                                             Empty          0
Slot-6                                             Empty          0
Slot-7                                             Empty          0
Slot-8                                             Empty          0

show stacking detail

The show stacking {node-address node_address | slot slot_number} detail command displays a full report about a particular node.

Slot-1 Stack.33 # show stacking slot 1 detail
Stacking Node 00:04:96:26:6b:ec information:
Stacking : Enabled
Role : Master
Priority : Automatic
Slot number : 1
Stack state : Active
Master capable? : Yes
Stacking protocol : Enhanced
License level restriction : <none>
In active topology? : Yes
Factory MAC address : 00:04:96:26:6b:ec
Stack MAC address : 02:04:96:26:6b:ec
Alternate IP address : <none>
Alternate gateway : <none>
Stack Port 1:
State : Operational
Blocked? : No
Control path active? : Yes
Selection : Alternate (23)
Stack Port 2:
State : Operational
Blocked? : Yes
Control path active? : Yes
Selection : Native
Stacking : Enabled
Master capable? : Yes
Slot number : 1
Stack MAC address : 02:04:96:26:6b:ec
Stacking protocol : Enhanced
License level restriction : <none>
Stack Port 1:
Selection : Alternate (23)
Stack Port 2:
Selection : Native
In the command output, note that:
  • If you issue show stacking detail without a node-address or slot parameter, the output is generated for all nodes in the stack topology.
  • The slot parameter is available only in stacking mode. The node-address parameter is always available.
  • Current information represents stacking states and configured values that are currently in effect. Configured information is that which takes effect at node reboot only.
  • The node's role can be Primary, Backup, Standby, or none.
  • License level restrictions are Base or Premier.

show stacking stack-ports

The show stacking stack-ports command displays the states of each stacking port in the stack. This information can help you verify that all ports are properly connected and operational.

Slot-1 Stack.5 # show stacking stack-ports
Stack Topology is a Ring
Slot Port Select Node MAC Address  Port State  Flags Speed
---- ---- ------ ----------------- ----------- ----- -----
*1   1    27     00:04:96:9c:e4:39 Operational C-      10G
*1   2    28     00:04:96:9c:e4:39 Operational CB      10G
2   1    27     00:04:96:9b:c1:34 Operational CB      10G
2   2    28     00:04:96:9b:c1:34 Operational C-      10G
3   1    15     00:04:96:9e:5c:76 Operational C-      10G
3   2    16     00:04:96:9e:5c:76 Operational C-      10G
4   1    15     00:04:96:9c:53:b6 Operational C-      10G
4   2    16     00:04:96:9c:53:b6 Operational C-      10G
* - Indicates this node
Flags:  (C) Control path is active, (B) Port is Blocked		

In the command output, a state other than Operational indicates a potential problem. Check the physical connections and the software configuration for the ports in question.