Common Commands

This section discusses common commands you can use to manage the switch.

Commands specific to a particular feature may also be described in other chapters of this guide. For a detailed description of the commands and their options, see the Switch Engine 32.7.1 Command Reference Guide .

Table 1. Common Commands
Command Description
cat {--number | -n } {--number-nonblank | -b } {--show-ends | -E } {--show-tabs | -T } {--show-nonprinting | -v }

Displays the contents of various text files that may be created, edited, or otherwise visible in the user-visible file system.

clear [license | license-info] [software | port-speed]
clear access-list

{dynamic} counter {countername} {any | ports port_list | vlan vlan_name} {ingress | egress}

meter {meter_name} [any | ports [all | port_list ] | vlan vlan_name]

Clears the specified access list counters.

clear account [all | name | lockout]

Re-enables an account that has been locked out (disabled) for exceeding the permitted number failed login attempts. This was configured by using the configure account [all | name] password-policy lockout-on-login-failures [on | off] command.

clear bootprelay ipv6 prefix-delegation snooping [ {ipv6-prefix} ipv6_prefix |ipv6-prefix all] [ {vlan} vlan_name |vlan all]

Clears information about a snooped IPv6 delegate prefix on a or all VLANs.

clear cdp

neighbor [device id device_id | all]

counters {ports ports_list}

Clears the CDP neighbor information.

clear counters

vr vpn-vrf-name

Clears all switch statistics and port counters, including port packet statistics, bridging statistics, IP statistics, and log event counters.

clear counters cfm

session missed-hellos { domain_name { association_name { {ports port_list} { end-point [up|down] } } } } {current | history | both}

segment segment_name

segment all frame-delay

segment all frame-loss

egment segment_name frame-loss mep mep_id

This command clears counters for current or historical cfm session missed-hellos.

clear counters edp {ports ports}

Clears the counters associated with .

clear counters fdb mac-tracking [mac_addr | all]

Clears the event counters for the MAC-tracking feature.

clear counters flowmon

This command clears all groups.

clear counters identity-management

Clears the identity management feature counters.

clear counters iparp

Clears all the IPARP counters.

clear mvrp counters {event | packet} {ports [port_list | all]}

Clears MVRP statistics.

clear counters policy

Clears policy rule usage statistics.

clear counters ports

{port_list | all}

{port_list | all} protocol filter

Clears the counters associated with the ports.

clear counters stp {[all | diagnostics | domains | ports]}

Clears, resets all statistics and counters.

clear counters wred ecn

Clears Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) counters statistics for all ports.

clear counters xml-notification {all | target}

Clears the statistics counters.

clear cpu-monitoring {process name}

Clears, resets the CPU utilization history and statistics stored in the switch.

clear dns cache

Clears the Domain Name System (DNS) cache entries.

clear dns cache analytics entries {{vr} vr_name}

Clears the Domain Name System (DNS) cache analytics entries for a virtual router (VR).

clear elsm ports


port_list} counters

Clears one or more ELSM-enabled ports that are in the Down-Stuck state.

clear esrp


esrpDomain sticky

esrpDomain neighbor

Clears the statistics gathered by for all ESRP domains on the switch.

clear igmp counters

group {grpipaddress} {{vlan} name}

snooping {{vlan} name}

Clears Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) counters.

clear inline-power stats ports [all | port_list]

Clears the inline statistics for the selected port to zero.

clear iparp {ip_addr {vr vr_name} | vlan vlan_name | vr vr_name} {refresh}

Removes dynamic entries in the IP ARP table.

clear ip nat counters vlan {vlan_name}

Clears the Network Address Translation (NAT) VLAN counters.

clear ip-security

dhcp-snooping entries { vlan } vlan_name

source-ip-lockdown entries ports [ ports | all ]

arp validation violations

anomaly-protection notify cache {slot [slot | all ]}

Clears the binding entries present on a .

clear ipv6 dad {{vr} vr_name {ipaddress} | vr all | {vlan} vlan_name} {counters}

Clears the counters for the DAD feature.

clear l2pt counters

{vlan vlan_name {ports port_list}}

{vman vman_name {ports port_list}}

{[vlan vlan_name {{vxlan{vr vr_name} rtep rtep_ipv4}}}

{[vpls vpls_name {peer ipaddress} | vpws vpws_name]}

Clears L2PT counters.

clear lacp counters

Clears the counters associated with Link Aggregations Control Protocol (LACP).

clear lldp neighbors [all | port port_list]

Clears the neighbor information collected for one or all ports on the switch.

clear log { static | messages [memory-buffer | nvram]}

Clears the log messages in memory and NVRAM.

clear mac-locking station [all | {mac station_mac_address} {first-arrival | static} {ports port_list}]

Clears MAC lock station information.

clear mld counters {{vlan} vlan_name}

Clears MLD statistics counters.

clear neighbor-discovery

cache ipv6 {ipv6address {vr vr_name} | vlan vlan_name | vr vr_name} refresh

{ipv6address {vr vr_name} | vlan vlan_name | vr vr_name} refresh

Deletes a dynamic entry from the neighbor cache.

clear netlogin state {port port_list}

Clears and initializes the network login sessions on a port.

clear nodealias { ports [port_list | all] | alias-id alias_id }

This command clears alias entries out of the Node Alias feature database. You can clear information by specified port(s) or alias ID. Node Alias discovers information about the end systems on a per-port basis. Information from packets from end systems, such as VLANID, source MAC address, source IP address, protocol, etc. are captured in a database that can be queried.

clear ports

[port_list | all] link-flap-detection counters

[port_list | all] link-flap-detection status

[all | port_list | port_group ] rate-limit flood out-of-profile {disabled-ports} {status | counter}

Clears the counters related to port link-flapping.

clear session [history | sessId | all] Terminates a Telnet or SSH2 session from the switch.
clear slot slot

Clears a slot of a previously assigned module type.

clear snmp notification-log [counters | entries] [default | name | hex hex_name]
clear switch bluetooth device [all | address]

Clears either all paired Bluetooth devices or a particular paired device.

clear stpd stpd_name ports port_list protocol-migration

Resets the partner Spanning Tree Protocol version to the configured version.

clear vlan vlan_name dhcp-address-allocation [[all {offered | assigned | declined | expired}] | ipaddress]

Removes addresses from the allocation table.

configure account [all | name] password-policy min-length [num_characters | none]

[all | name] password-policy lockout-on-login-failures [on | off]

[all | name] password-policy lockout-time-period [num_mins | until-cleared]

Configures a user account password.

Passwords can have a minimum of 0 character and can have a maximum of 32 characters. Passwords are case-sensitive. User names are not case-sensitive.

configure auto-provision cloud-connector server [vr ( vr_name | none) | ipaddress (ip_address | none)]

Configures the either the virtual router or the IP address for the Cloud Connector to use.

configure banner Configures the banner string. You can configure a banner to be displayed before login or after login.You can enter up to 24 rows of 79-column text that is displayed before the login prompt of each session.
configure cli password prompting-only [ on | off ]

This command allows you to configure prompting (with no echo) for all passwords, secrets, or keys.

configure diagnostics privilege [admin | user]

This command configures the user privilege level needed to view diagnositc results.

configure dns-client add [domain-suffix domain_name | name-server ip_address {vr vr_name}]

Adds a domain suffix to the domain suffix list or a name server to the available server list for the DNS client.

configure dns-client delete [domain-suffix domain_name | name-server ip_address {vr vr_name}]

Deletes a domain suffix from the domain suffix list or a name server from the available server list for the DNS client.

configure fabric attach management-vlan [vlan_id | vlan_name | untagged | none | forward [on | off] ]

Specifies the VLAN advertised to Fabric Attach clients for them to use as the management VLAN.

configure fabric attach management-vlan ports [port_list | all] forward [on | off]

Configures the Fabric Attach management VLAN propagation on a specific port.

configure fabric attach ports [port_list | all] enable | disable]

Configures the Fabric Attach state per port.

configure fabric attach ports [port_list | all] authentication [ disable | enable | key {key | default | encrypted encrypted_key}]

Configures Fabric Attach authentication.

configure fabric attach uplink [port | none]

Configures the uplink port for and enables Fabric Attach standalone proxy operation.

configure fabric attach zero-touch-client client [vlan [vlan_name | vlan_id] [nsi nsi | isid isid] {priority [priority | dot1p]} {enable | disable} | none] | enable | disable]

Configures the Fabric Attach Zero Touch Client.

configure failsafe-account {[deny | permit] [all | control | serial | ssh {vr vr-name} | telnet {vr vr-name}]} Configures a name and password for the failsafe account, or restricts access to specified connection types.
configure cli idle-timeout minutes

Configures the time-out for idle console, SSH2, and Telnet sessions.

configure instant-port profile profile_name [ assign | unassign (ports port_list)]

Configures an Instant Port profile.

configure iqagent http-proxy [ipaddress [fqdn | ip_address] port port_number | user user_name password [encrypted encrypted_password | password] | none]

Configures the IQ Agent HTTP Proxy server IP and port, and defines the username and password if required.

configure iqagent server [vr [[vr-name | none] | [ vr_name vlan vlan-name]] | ipaddress [fqdn | ip_address| none]]

Configures the optional user-defined virtual router (VR) and address for the server for ExtremeCloud™ IQ Agent to connect to.

configure iproute delete default [ipv6Gateway | ipv6ScopedGateway] {vr vr_name}

Deletes a default gateway from the routing table.

configure ip-security dhcp-snooping information check

Enables the relay agent option (option 82) checking in the server-originated packets.

configure ip-security dhcp-snooping information circuit-id port-information port_info port port

Configures the port information portion of the circuit ID.

configure ip-security dhcp-snooping information circuit-id vlan-information vlan_info [dynamic | {vlan} vlan_name | all]

Configures the info portion of the circuit ID of a VLAN.

configure ip-security dhcp-snooping information option

Enables the relay agent option (option 82).

configure ip-security dhcp-snooping information policy [drop | keep | replace]

Configures the relay agent option (option 82) policy.

configure lacp member-port port priority port_priority

Configures the member port of an LACP to ensure the order that ports are added to the aggregator. The lower value you configure for the port‘s priority, the higher priority that port has to be added to the aggregator.

configure log display severity {only}

Configures the real-time log-level message to display.

configure log messages privilege [ admin | user ]

This command configures the minimum user account level needed to view logs.

configure log target [console | memory-buffer | | primary-node | | backup-node | nvram | session | syslog [all | ipaddress {udp-port {udp_port}} | ipPort | ipaddress tls-port {tls_port} ]{vr vr_name} {local0...local7}] filter filter-name {severity severity {only}}

Associates a filter to a target.

In a stack, this command is applicable only to Master and Backup nodes. This command is not applicable to standby nodes.

For console display, session, memory buffer, and NVRAM targets:

configure log target [ console | session | memory-buffer | nvram ] format [timestamp [seconds | hundredths | none]] [date [ dd-Mmm-yyyy | yyyy-mm-dd | Mmm-dd | mm-dd-yyyy | mm/dd/yyyy | dd-mm-yyyy | none]] {event-name [component | condition | none]} {process-name} {severity} {source-line} {host-name}

For Syslog targets:

configure log target syslog [all | ipaddress {udp-port {udp_port}} |ipPort | ipaddress tls-port {tls_port}] {vr vr_name} {local}format [timestamp [ seconds | hundredths | none]] [date [ dd-Mmm-yyyy | yyyy-mm-dd | Mmm-dd | mm-dd-yyyy | mm/dd/yyyy | dd-mm-yyyy | none]] {event-name [component | condition | none]} {severity} {priority} {host-name} {source-line} {tag-id} {tag-name}

Configures the formats of the displayed message, on a per-target basis.

In a stack, this command is applicable only to Master and Backup nodes and not applicable to the standby nodes.

configure log target syslog [all | ipaddress {udp-port {udp_port}} | ipPort | ipaddress tls-port {tls_port}] {vr vr_name} {local0...local7} from source-ip-address

This command specifies the source-ip-address to use when sending log messages to the Syslog server. The Syslog server's IP address along with the ipPort and local facility (a tuple) identify which Syslog server target is to be configured.

configure log target [console | memory-buffer | nvram | primary-node| backp-node | session | syslog [all | ipaddress {udp-port {udp_port}} | ipPort | ipaddress tls-port {tls_port} ] {vr vr_name} {local0 ... local7}] match [any |match-expression]

Associates a match expression to a target.

In a stack, this command is applicable only on a Master and Backup nodes. This command is not applicable for standby nodes.

configure mirror { mirror_name} add [ {vlan} vlan_name | vlan vlan_id] {ingress | [port port {ingress}}| ip-fix | port port vlan [vlan_id | vlan_name ] {ingress}]

Specifies mirror source filters for an instance.

configure mirror add ports port_list anomaly

Mirrors detected anomaly traffic to the mirror port.

configure mirror {mirror_name} delete [ {vlan} vlan_name | vlan vlan_id] {port port} | ip-fix | port port vlan [vlan_id | vlan_name]

Deletes mirror source filters for an instance.

configure ntp key keyid [trusted | not-trusted]

Specifies whether an NTP key is trusted or not trusted.

configure ntp local-clock none

Removes the internal local clock from the clock source list.

configure ntp local-clock stratum stratum_number

Configures the internal local clock with a stratum number. The stratum number defines the distance from the reference clock. The lower the number, the closer the switch is to the reference clock.

configure ntp restrict-list [add | delete] network {mask} [permit | deny] {{vr} vr_name}

Restricts a host or block of client IP addresses from getting NTP service. When NTP is enabled over a , an NTP server is configured, or a broadcast NTP server is in a VLAN, the VLAN's IP block or NTP server's IP address is automatically added into the system with a permit action.

configure ntp [server | peer] add [ip_address | ipv6_address | host_name] {key keyid} {option [burst | initial-burst]} {{vr} vr_name}

Configures an NTP server or peer.

configure ntp [server | peer] delete [ip_address | ipv6_address | host_name]

Removes an NTP server or peer from external clock source lists.

configure ports port_list {medium [copper | fiber]} auto off speed speed duplex [half | full] Manually configures the port speed and duplex setting of one or more ports on a switch.
configure ports auto 1G-optics-in-10G-ports [ on | off ]

Configures the default 1 Gbps auto-negotiation mode to enabled or disabled (the default) when 1 Gbps optics are inserted in 10 Gbps ports.

configure ports port_list {medium [copper | fiber]} auto off speed speed duplex [half | full]

Manually configures port speed and duplex setting configuration on one or more ports on a switch.

configure ports port_list {medium [copper|fiber]} auto on {[{speed speed} {duplex [half | full]}] | [{duplex [half | full]} {speed speed}]}

Enables autonegotiation for the particular port type.

configure ports port_list description-string string

Configures a description string setting up to 255 characters.

configure ports port_list display-string string

Configures a user-defined string for a port or group of ports.

configure ports port_list forward-error-correction [off | on [cl74 | cl91]]

Enables/disables IEEE Forward Error Correction (FEC) Clause 74 or 91 modes.

configure ports [port_list | all] partition [1x100G | 1x40G | 2x50G | 4x10G | 4x25G]

Partitions 100G and 40G ports into multiple partition speeds, and partitions 25G ports into a single 10G port for supported Universal platforms.

configure ports port_list [ {tagged tag} vlan vlan_name | {tagged} vlan vlan_list ] [limit-learning number {action [blackhole | stop-learning]} | lock-learning | unlimited-learning | unlock-learning]

Configures virtual ports for limited or locked MAC address learning.

configure sharing port slot slot distribution-list [port_list | add port_list | all]

Adds ports to a load-sharing, or link aggregation, group. By using link aggregation, you use multiple ports as a single logical port. Link aggregation also provides redundancy because traffic is redistributed to the remaining ports in the if one port in the group goes down.

configure slot slot description [ slot_description | none ]

Adds or removes a descriptive name to a slot.

configure slot slot module module_type

Configures a slot for a particular type of node.

configure slot slot_number restart-limit num_restarts

Configures the number of times a slot can be restarted on a failure before it is shut down.

configure snmp [sysContact sysContact | sysName sysName | sysLocation sysLocation]
configure snmp add community [readonly | readwrite] alphanumeric_string [encrypted enc_community_name | community name | hex hex_community_name ] store-encrypted

Adds a read or read/write community string.

configure snmp delete community [readonly | readwrite] [all | community_name |alphanumeric_string | hex hex_community_name | encrypted enc_community_name ]

Deletes a read or read/write community string.

configure snmp syscontact sysContact v

Configures the name of the system contact.

configure snmpv3 add access [[hex hex_group_name] | group_name] {sec-model [snmpv1 | snmpv2c | usm]} {sec-level [noauth | authnopriv | priv]} {read-view [[hex hex_read_view_name] | read_view_name]} {write-view [[hex hex_write_view_name]] | write_view_name]} {notify-view [[hex hex_notify_view_nam]] | notify_view_name]} {volatile}

Creates (and modifies) a group and its access rights.

configure snmpv3 add community [[hex hex_community_index] | community_index] [encrypted name community_name | name [[hex hex_community_name] | community_name] {store-encrypted} ] user [[hex hex_user_name] | user_name] {tag [[hex transport_tag] | transport_tag]} {volatile}

Adds an SNMPv3 community entry.

configure snmpv3 add filter [[hex hex_profile_name] | profile_name] subtree object_identifier {/subtree_mask} type [included | excluded] {volatile}

Adds a filter to a filter profile.

configure snmpv3 add filter-profile [[hex hex_profile_name] | profile_name] param [[hex hex_param_name]] | param_name] {volatile}

Associates a filter profile with a parameter name.

configure snmpv3 add group [[hex hex_group_name] | group_name] user [[hex hex_user_name] | user_name] {sec-model [snmpv1| snmpv2c | usm]} {volatile}

Adds a user name (security name) to a group.

configure snmpv3 add mib-view [[hex hex_view_name] | view_name] subtree object_identifier {subtree_mask} {type [included | excluded]} {volatile}

Adds (and modifies) a MIB view.

configure snmpv3 add notify [[hex hex_notify_name] | notify_name] tag [[hex hex_tag] | tag] {type [trap | inform]}{volatile}

Adds an entry to the snmpNotifyTable.

configure snmpv3 add target-addr [[hex hex_addr_name] | addr_name] param [[hex hex_param_name] |param_name ] ipaddress [ ip_address | ipv4-with-mask ip_and_tmask ] | [ ipv6_address | ipv6-with-mask ipv6_and_tmask ]] {transport-port port_number} {from [src_ip_address | src_ipv6_address]} {vr vr_name} {tag-list [tag_list | hex hex_tag_list]} {volatile}

Adds and configures an SNMPv3 target address and associates filtering, security, and notifications with that address.

configure snmpv3 add target-params [[hex hex_param_name] | param_name ]user [[hex hex_user_name] | user_name] mp-model [snmpv1 |snmpv2c | snmpv3] sec-model [snmpv1 | snmpv2c | usm] {sec-level [noauth | authnopriv | priv]} {volatile}

Adds and configures SNMPv3 target parameters.

configure snmpv3 add user [ hex hex_user_name | user_name ] {engine-id engine_id} {authentication [md5 | sha] {localized-key auth_localized_key | hex hex_auth_password | auth_password} {privacy {des |aes {128 |192 | 256}} {localized-key priv_localized_key | hex hex_priv_password | priv_password} }} {volatile}

Adds (and modifies) an SNMPv3 user.

configure snmpv3 add user [[hex hex_user_name] | user_name] {engine-id engine_id}clone-from [[hex hex_user_name] | user_name] {engine-id clone_from_engine_id}

Creates a new user by cloning from an existing SNMPv3 user.

configure snmpv3 delete access [all-non-defaults | {[[hex hex_group_name] | group_name] {sec-model [snmpv1 | snmpv2c | usm] sec-level [noauth | authnopriv | priv]}}]

Deletes access rights for a group.

configure snmpv3 delete community [all | {[[hex hex_community_index] | community_index} | {name [[hex hex_community_name] | community_name}]

Deletes an SNMPv3 community entry.

configure snmpv3 delete group {[[hex hex_group_name] | group_name]} user [all-non-defaults | {[[hex hex_user_name] | user_name] {sec-model [snmpv1|snmpv2c|usm]}}]

Deletes a user name (security name) from a group.

configure snmpv3 delete mib-view [all-non-defaults | {[[hex hex_view_name] | view_name] {subtree object_identifier}}]

Deletes a MIB view.

configure snmpv3 delete notify [{[[hex hex_notify_name] | notify_name]} | all-non-defaults]

Deletes an entry from the snmpNotifyTable.

configure snmpv3 delete filter [all | [[hex hex_profile_name] | profile_name] {subtree object_identifier}]]

Deletes a filter from a filter profile.

configure snmpv3 delete filter-profile [all |[hex hex_profile_name | profile_name] {param [hex hex_param_name | param_name}]]

Removes the association of a filter profile with a parameter name.

configure snmpv3 delete target-addr [{[[hex hex_addr_name] | addr_name]} | all]

Deletes SNMPv3 target addresses.

configure snmpv3 delete target-params [{[[hex hex_param_name] | param_name]} | all]

Deletes SNMPv3 target parameters.

configure snmpv3 delete user [all | [[hex hex_user_name] | user_name] {engine-id engine_id}]

Deletes an existing SNMPv3 user.

configure snmpv3 engine-id hex_engine_id

Configures the SNMPv3 snmpEngineID.

configure snmpv3 target-addr [[hex hex_addr_name] | addr_name] retry retry_count

Configures SNMPv3 INFORM notification retries.

configure sntp-client [primary | secondary] host-name-or-ip {vr vr_name}

Configures an NTP server for the switch to obtain time information.

configure ssh2 access-profile [ access_profile | [[add rule] [first | [[before | after] previous_rule]]] | delete rule | none]

Configures SSH2 to use an policy or ACL rule for access control.

configure ssh2 dh-group minimum [1 | 14 | 16 | 18]

Configures the minimal supported Diffie-Hellman group.

configure ssh2 disable [cipher [cipher |all] |mac [ mac |all]]

Disables ciphers/Message Authentication Codes (MACs) for use with SSHv2.

configure ssh2 disable {pk-alg [pkalg_name | all]}

Disables DSA/RSA X509v3 public key algorithms.

configure ssh2 enable [cipher [cipher |all] |mac [ mac |all]]

Configures the required ciphers/Message Authentication Codes (MACs) with SSHv2.

configure ssh2 enable {pk-alg [pkalg_name | all]}

Enables DSA/RSA X509v3 public key algorithms.

configure ssh2 idletimeout [none | minutes]

This command configures idle-timeout for SSH/SFTP connections.

configure ssh2 key {pregenerated} Generates the SSH2 host key.
configure ssh2 key algorithm [ ssh-rsa | rsa-sha2-256 | rsa-sha2-512]

Generates the Secure Shell 2 (SSH2) server host key.

configure ssh2 login-grace-timeout seconds

For the SSH server, configures a timeout period for a login attempt.

configure ssh2 rekey [time-interval [time_interval |none] |data-limit [data_size |default]]

Sets SSHv2 session rekeying interval by specifying a time interval value and/or amount of transferred data.

configure ssh2 secure-mode [on | off]

This command (secure-mode on) disables the weak ciphers and macs in SSH server and client.

configure ssh2 x509v3 ocsp [on | off]

Enables or disables Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) check for SSH2 x509v3 authentication.

configure ssh2 x509v3 ocsp nonce [on | off]

Enables or disables the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) nonce for SSH2 x509v3 authentication.

configure ssh2 x509v3 ocsp override [url | none]

This command configures one HTTP Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) override URL for an SSH2 x509v3 authentication.

configure ssh2 x509v3 ocsp signer ocsp-nocheck [on | off]

Enables or disables Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) signer's ocsp-nocheck for SSH2 x509v3 authentication.

configure ssh2 x509v3 radius-password-auth [on | off]

Enables or disables password authentication using RADIUS for SSH2 x509v3 publication-key authentication.

configure ssh2 x509v3 username overwrite [on | off]

Enables or disables authentication username configuration to use the Principal Name in the certificate as the username.

configure ssh2 x509v3 username strip-domain [on | off]

Enables or disables authentication username configuration to strip the domain name for SSH2 x509v3 publication-key authentication.

configure ssh2 x509v3 username use-domain [domain_name | none]

Enables or disables authentication username configuration with a domain name using RADIUS for SSH2 x509v3 publication-key authentication.

configure ssl certificate hash-algorithm hash_algorithm

This command configures the hash algorithm.

configure ssl privkey pregenerated

Obtains the pre-generated private key from the user.

configure ssl certificate pregenerated{ {csr-cert}pregenerated {ocsp {on | off}}}

Obtains the pre-generated certificate from the user.

configure ssl certificate privkeylen length country code organization org_name common-name name

Creates a self-signed certificate and private key that can be saved in the EEPROM.

configure ssl csr privkeylen length country code organization org_name common-name name

Generates certificate signing request (CSR) and private key.

configure stacking alternate-ip-address [ipaddress netmask | ipNetmask] gateway automatic configure stacking [node-address node-address | slot slot_number] alternate-ip-address [ipaddress netmask | ipNetmask] gateway

Configures an alternate management IP address, subnetwork, and gateway.

configure stacking easy-setup

This command provides an easy way to initially configure the stacking parameters of all nodes in a new stack.

configure stacking {node-address node-address | slot slot-number} license-level license_restriction

Allows you to restrict the license level at which the node operates.

configure stacking {node-address node-address | slot slot-number} mac-address

Selects a node in the stack whose factory assigned MAC address is to be used to form the stack MAC address.

The formed address is then configured on every node in the stack topology.

configure stacking [node-address node_address | slot slot_number] master-capability [on | off]

The command configures a node to be allowed to operate as either a backup or master, or prevents a node from operating as either.

The command controls the setting on the specified node only.

configure stacking {node-address node-address | slot slot_number} priority [node_pri | automatic]

Configures a priority value to be used to influence master and backup election.

configure stacking node-address node_address slot-number slot_number

Configures a slot number on one or all nodes in the stack topology.

configure stacking-support auto-discovery [disable | enable]

Enables or disables stacking auto-discovery.

configure stacking-support stack-port [stack-ports | all] selection [native {V40 | V80 | V160 | V200 | V320 | V400 {alternative-configuration | help}} | alternate]

Selects the switch ports and speed for stack communications.

configure stpd stpd_name add [ {vlan} vlan_name | vlan vlan_list] ports [all | port_list] {[dot1d | emistp | pvst-plus]}

Adds all ports or a list of ports within a to a specified .

configure stpd stpd_name delete [ {vlan} vlan_name | vlan vlan_list]ports [all | port_list]

Deletes one or more ports in the specified from an .

configure stpd stpd_name mode [dot1d | dot1w | mstp [cist | msti instance]]

Configures the operational mode for the specified domain.

configure stpd stpd_name ports active-role disable port

Allows a port to be selected as an alternate or backup port.

configure stpd stpd_name ports active-role enable port

Prevents a port from becoming an alternate or backup port.

configure stpd stpd_name ports auto-edge [on | off] port_list

Enables and disables auto-edge detection.

configure {stpd} stpd_name ports edge-safeguard disable port_list {bpdu-restrict} {recovery-timeout {seconds}}

Disables the edge safeguard loop prevention on the specified RSTP or edge port.

configure {stpd} stpd_name ports edge-safeguard enable port_list {bpdu-restrict} {recovery-timeout {seconds}}

Enables the edge safeguard loop prevention on the specified RSTP or edge port.

configure {stpd} stpd_name ports bpdu-restrict [enable | disable] port_list {recovery-timeout {seconds}}

Configures BPDU Restrict.

configure stpd stpd_name ports cost [auto | cost] port_list

Specifies the path cost of the port in the specified .

configure stpd stpd_name ports link-type [[auto | broadcast | point-to-point] port_list | edge port_list {edge-safeguard [enable | disable] {bpdu-restrict} {recovery-timeout seconds}}]

Configures the ports in the specified as auto, broadcast, edge, or point-to-point link types.

configure stpd stpd_name ports loop-protect [on | off] port_list

Enables and disables loop protect on a port.

configure stpd stpd_name ports loop-protect partner [capable | incapable] port_list

Configures whether the link partner is capable of the loop protect feature.

configure stpd stpd_name ports mode [dot1d | emistp | pvst-plus] port_list

Configures the encapsulation mode for the specified port list.

configure stpd stpd_name ports port-priority priority port_list

Specifies the port priority of the port in the specified .

configure stpd stpd_name ports priority priority port_list

Specifies the port priority of the port in the specified .

configure stpd stpd_name priority priority

Specifies the bridge priority of the .

configure stpd stpd_name priority-mode [dot1d | dot1t]

Sets bridge priority values.

configure stpd stpd_name ports restricted-role disable port_list

Disables restricted role on the specified port inside the core network.

configure stpd stpd_name ports restricted-role enable port_list

Enables restricted role on the specified port inside the core network.

configure stpd stpd_name ports restricted-tcn [on | off] port_list

Restricts the propagation of Topology Change Notification (TCN) BPDUs on the specified port.

configure stpd stpd_name tag stpd_tag

Assigns an StpdID to an .

configure sys-recovery-level [all | none] Configures a recovery option for instances where an exception occurs in the software.
configure syslog add [ipaddress {udp-port {udp_port}} | ipPort | ipaddress tls_port {tls_port}] {vr vr_name} [local0...local7]

Configures the remote Syslog server host address, and filters messages to be sent to the remote Syslog target.

configure syslog delete [ ipaddress {udp-port {udp_port}} | ipPort | ipaddress tls_port {tls_port}] {vr vr_name} [local0...local7 ]] | all {local0...local7} {vr vr_name} ]

configure syslog delete host name/ip {: udp-port} [local0...local7]

Deletes a remote Syslog server address.

configure syslog [all |ipaddress {tls-port tls_port}] {vr vr_name} {local} reference-identifier reference_identifier

Specifies the remote Syslog server certificate reference identifier.

configure syslog tls ocsp [on | off]

Enables or disables Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) check for Transport Layer Security (TLS) connections to remote Syslog servers.

configure syslog tls ocsp nonce [on | off]

Enables or disables Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) nonce for Transport Layer Security (TLS) connections to remote Syslog servers.

configure syslog tls tls override [url | none]

This command configures one HTTP Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) override URL for Transport Layer Security (TLS) connections to a remote Syslog server.

configure syslog tls ocsp signer ocsp-nocheck [on | off]

Enables or disables Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) signer's ocsp-nocheck for Transport Layer Security (TLS) connections to remote Syslog servers.

configure syslog tls tcp-user-timeout [seconds | default]

Specifies the maximum time that transmitted data may remain unacknowledged before TCP closes the connection to avoid loss of logging to TLS Syslog server.

configure time month day year hour min sec Configures the system date and time. The format is as follows:mm dd yyyy hh mm ss

The time uses a 24-hour clock format. You cannot set the year earlier than 2003 or past 2036.

configure timezone

Configures the time zone information to the configured offset from GMT time. The format of GMT_offset is ± minutes from GMT time. The autodst and noautodst options enable and disable automatic Daylight Saving Time change based on the North American standard.

Additional options are described in the Switch Engine 32.7.1 Command Reference Guide

configure [{ vlan} vlan_name | vlan vlan_id ] ipaddress [ipaddress {ipNetmask} | ipv6-link-local | {eui64} ipv6_address_mask] Configures an IP address and subnet mask for a .
configure [ {vlan} vlan_name | vlan vlan_list] add ports [port_list | all] {tagged tag | untagged} {{stpd} stpd_name} {dot1d | emistp | pvst-plus}}

Adds one or more ports in a .

configure [ {vlan} vlan_name | vlan vlan_id] add ports port_list private-vlan translated

Translation from network tag to each subscriber VLAN tag is done by default in a private VLAN.

configure [ {vlan} vlan_name | vlan vlan_list] delete ports [all | port_list ]

Deletes one or more ports in a .

configure {vlan} vlan_name tag tag {remote-mirroring}

Assigns a unique 802.1Q tag to the .

configure [ {vlan} vlan_name | vlan vlan_id] ipaddress [ipaddress {netmask} | {ipNetmask} | ipv6-link-local | {eui64} ipv6_address_mask]

Assigns an IPv4 address and an optional subnet mask or an IPv6 address to the . Beginning with ExtremeXOS 11.2, you can specify IPv6 addresses. You can assign either an IPv4 address, and IPv6 address, or both to the VLAN. Beginning with ExtremeXOS 11.3, you can use this command to assign an IP address to a specified VMAN and enable multicasting on that VMAN.

cp old_name new_name

Copies a file from the specified file system or relative to the current working directory to another file on the specified file system or relative to the current working directory.

create account Creates a user account. This command is available to admin-level users and to users with command authorization. The username is between 1 and 32 characters and is not case-sensitive. The password is between 0 and 32 characters and is case-sensitive. For user names, only alphanumeric, dash (-), and underscore (_) characters may be used. Any text after a hashtag (#) in a password is ignored. It has to be enclosed in "<double quotes>" if the hashtag is to be made part of the special character password.
create log message text

This command logs an event using the text provided as the message.

create vlan [ vlan_name {tag tag} | vlan_list ] {description vlan-description } {vr name }

Creates a named .

create vlan [{ vlan} vlan_name | vlan vlan_list ] {description vlan-description} {vr name} Creates a VLAN.
delete account name Deletes a user account.
delete instant-port profile profile_name

Deletes an instant-port profile.

delete [{ vlan} vlan_name | vlan vlan_list] Deletes a VLAN.
disable auto-provision

Disables the auto provision capability.

disable auto-provision cloud-connector

Stops the Cloud Connector process on the switch.

disable bootp {ipv4} | dhcp {ipv4 | ipv6} ] vlan [vlan | all]

Disables the generation and processing of BOOTP packets on a to obtain an IP address for the VLAN from a BOOTP server.

disable clear-flow
disable cli prompting Disables CLI prompting for the session.
disable cli config-logging Disables logging of CLI commands to the Syslog.
disable cli paging Disables pausing of the screen display when a show command output reaches the end of the page.
disable cli idle-timeout Disables the timer that disconnects all sessions. After being disabled, console sessions remain open until the switch is rebooted or until you log off. Telnet sessions remain open until you close the Telnet client. SSH2 sessions time out after 61 minutes of inactivity.
disable cli write-permission

Disables access to the full CLI on 4120 Series and 4220 Series switches.

disable igmp snooping {vlan} name fast-leave

Disables the snooping fast leave feature on the specified .

disable igmp snooping {forward-mcrouter-only | with-proxy | vlan name}

Disables snooping.

disable inline-power ports [all | port_list]

Shuts down power currently provided to all ports or to specified ports.

disable ipforwarding ipv6 [ {vlan} vlan_name | vlan vlan_list] | tunnel tunnel_name | vr vr_name}

Disables routing for one or all interfaces. If no argument is provided, disables routing for all interfaces on the current VR or VRF.

disable ip-security dhcp-snooping [dynamic | {vlan} vlan_name] ports [all | ports]

Disables snooping on the switch.

disable iqagent

Disables the ExtremeCloud™ IQ Agent.

disable led locator { slot [slot | all ]}

Disables the front panel LEDs from flashing on a switch.

disable log display

Disables the sending of messages to the console display.

In a stack, this command is applicable only to Master and Backup nodes and not applicable to the standby nodes.

disable log target [console | memory-buffer | nvram |primary-node | backup-node | session | syslog [all | ipaddress udp-port {udp_port} | ipPort | ipaddress tls_port {tls_port}] {vr vr_name} {local0 ... local7}]]

Stops sending log messages to the specified target.

In a stack, this command is applicable only to Master and Backup nodes and not applicable to the standby nodes.

disable loopback-mode [ {vlan} vlan_name | vlan vlan_list]

Disallows a to be placed in the UP state without an external active port. This allows (disallows) the VLANs routing interface to become active.

disable mac-locking

Disables MAC locking globally on the switch.

disable mirror [mirror_name | all]

Disables a mirror instance.

disable mld snooping {with-proxy | vlan name}

Disables MLD snooping.

disable netlogin ports ports [{dot1x} {mac} {web-based}]

Disables network login on a specified port for a particular method.

disable netlogin [{dot1x} {mac} {web-based}]

Disables network login modes.

disable ntp authentication

Disables NTP authentication globally on the switch.

disable ntp broadcast-client {{vr} vr_name}

Disables an NTP broadcast client on the switch.

disable ntp {vlan} vlan-name broadcast-server

Prevents NTP from sending broadcast messages to a .

disable ntp [{vlan} vlan-name | all] {{vr} vr_name}

Disables NTP on a .

disable ntp vr vr_name

This command disables NTP from the specified VR.

disable sharing port

Disables a load-sharing group of ports, also known as a .

disable snmp access {snmp-v1v2c | snmpv3}

Selectively disables on the switch.

disable snmp access vr [vr_name | all]

Selectively disables access on virtual routers.

disable snmp community [encrypted enc_community_name | community_name |alphanumeric-community-string | hex hex_community_name]

Disables community strings on the switch.

disable snmpv3 default-group Disables SNMPv3 default-group access on the switch.
disable snmpv3 community [ community_index | hex hex_community_index ]

This command disables a community entry specified by the community index.

disable snmp access {snmp-v1v2c | snmpv3}

Selectively disables on the switch.

disable ssh2 Disables SSH2 access to the switch.
disable sntp-client

Disables the client.

disable stacking {node-address node-address}

This command disables the stacking on one or all nodes in the stack topology.

disable stacking-support

This command disables the stacking-support option on a switch with dual-purpose hardware.

disable stpd {stpd_name}

Disables the protocol on a particular or for all STPDs.

disable stpd stpd_name auto-bind [ {vlan} vlan_name | vlan vlan_list]

Disables the ability to automatically add ports to an when they are added to a member .

disable stpd stpd_name ports [all | port_list]

Disables on one or more ports for a given .

disable tech-support collector

Disables the tech support feature.

disable telnet

Disables external Telnet services on the system.

disable web http

Disables the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) access to the switch on the default port (80).

disable web https

Disables the secure socket layer (SSL) access to the switch on the default port (443).

Using TFTP: download [url url {vr vrname} | image [active | inactive] [[hostname | ipaddress] filename {{vr} vrname} {block-size block_size}] {partition} {install {reboot}}

To download an image to a stack: download image [[hostname | ipaddress] filename {{vr} vrname} {block-size block_size}] {partition} {install {reboot}}

Downloads a new version of the ExtremeXOS software image or a new VOSS image when changing the switch's network operating system.

The image file can be downloaded using TFTP (which is not a secure method), or SFTP and SCP2 (which are secure methods). The procedure using TFTP begins above and using SFTP/SCP2.

download ssl ipaddress

certificate {ssl-cert | trusted-ca | ocsp-signature-ca | {csr-cert {ocsp [on | off]}} file_name

privkey key_file

Permits downloading of certificate file(s) from files stored on a TFTP server.

Permits downloading of a private key from files stored in a TFTP server.

eject usb-device

Ensures that USB 2.0 storage device can be safely removed from the switch.

enable auto-provision cloud-connector

Starts the Cloud Connector process on the switch.

enable bootp {ipv4} | dhcp {ipv4 | ipv6} ] vlan [vlan | all] Enables BOOTP for one or more VLANs.
enable cli config-logging Enables the logging of CLI configuration commands to the Syslog for auditing purposes. The default setting is disabled.
enable cli paging Enables pausing of the screen display when show command output reaches the end of the page. The default setting is enabled.
enable cli idle-timeout Enables a timer that disconnects all sessions (Telnet, SSH2, and console) after 20 minutes of inactivity. The default setting is enabled.
enable cli write-permission Enables access to the full CLI on 4120 Series and 4220 Series switches.
enable igmp snooping

{forward-mcrouter-only | {vlan} name | with-proxy vr vrname}

{vlan} name fast-leave

Enables snooping on one or all s.

enable inline-power ports [all | port_list]

Enables power currently provided to all ports or to specified ports.

enable ipforwarding

{ipv4 | broadcast} {vlan vlan_name}

{ipv4 | broadcast} {vlan vlan_list}

{ipv4 tunneltunnel_name}

{ipv4 | ipv6(vr vr_name)}

{ipv6 (vlan vlan_list)}

{ipv6 (vlan vlan_name | tunneltunnel_name)}

Enables IPv4 routing or IPv4 broadcast forwarding for one or all s. If no argument is provided, enables IPv4 routing for all s that have been configured with an IP address on the current VR or VRF.

enable iqagent

Enables the ExtremeCloud™ IQ Agent.

enable ip-security dhcp-snooping [dynamic | {vlan} vlan_name] ports [all | ports] violation-action [drop-packet {[block-mac | block-port] [duration duration_in_seconds | permanently] | none]}] {snmp-trap}

Enables DHCP snooping for the specified VLAN and ports.

enable led locator {timeout [seconds | none]} {pattern [alternating | flash-all | high-to-low | scanner]} {slot [ slot | all ]}

Configures the front panel LEDs to flash so a switch can be easily located in a crowded lab/data center.

enable license {software} key

install license file filename {slot slot} (for universal platforms only)

Enables a particular software feature license. Specify key as a 10 or 14 digit hexadecimal value.

The command unconfigure switch {all} does not clear licensing information. This license cannot be disabled once it is enabled on the switch.

enable log display

Enables a running real-time display of log messages on the console display. In a stack, this command is applicable only to Primary and Backup nodes. You cannot run this command on standby nodes.

enable log target [console | memory-buffer | nvram | primary-node|backup-node| session | syslog [all | ipaddress udp-port {udp_port} | ipPort | ipaddress tls_port {tls_port}] {vr vr_name} {local0...local7}]]

Starts sending log messages to the specified target.

enable loopback-mode vlan [vlan_name | vlan_list]

Allows a to be placed in the UP state without an external active port. This allows (disallows) the VLANs routing interface to become active.

enable mac-locking

Enables MAC locking globally on the switch.

enable mirror mirror_name

Enables a mirror instance.

enable mld snooping {{vlan} vlan_name}

Enables MLD snooping on the switch.

enable netlogin [{dot1x} {mac} {web-based}]

Enables network login authentication modes.

enable netlogin ports ports [{dot1x} {mac} {web-based}]

Enables NetLogin on a specified port for a particular authentication method.

enable ntp authentication

Enables NTP authentication globally on the switch.

enable ntp broadcast-client {{vr} vr_name}

Enables an NTP broadcast client on the switch.

enable ntp {vlan} vlan-name broadcast-server {key keyid}

Enables NTP to send broadcast messages with or without a key to a .

enable ntp [{vlan} vlan-name | all] {{vr} vr_name}

Enables NTP on a .

enable ntp vr vr_name

This command enables and configures NTP for the specified VR.

enable sharing port grouping port_list {algorithm [address-based {L2 | L3 | L3_L4 | custom} | port-based }]} {resilient-hashing [on | off]} {distribution-mode [all | local-slot | port-lists]} {lacp | health-check}

Enables the switch to configure port link aggregation, or load sharing. By using link aggregation, you use multiple ports as a single logical port. Link aggregation also provides redundancy because traffic is redistributed to the remaining ports in the if one port in the group goes down. LACP allows the system to dynamically configure the LAGs.

enable snmp access {snmp-v1v2c | snmpv3}

Selectively enables access on the switch.

enable snmp access vr [vr_name | all]

Selectively enables access on virtual routers.

enable snmp community [encrypted enc_community_name | community_name |alphanumeric-community-string | hex hex_community_name

Enables community strings.

enable snmpv3 community [ community_index | hex hex_community_index ]

This command enables a community entry specified by the community index.

enable sntp-client

Enables the client.

enable ssh2 {access-profile [access_profile | none]} {port tcp_port_number} {vr [vr_name | all | default]} Enables SSH2 sessions. By default, SSH2 is disabled. When enabled, SSH2 uses TCP port number 22.
enable stacking {node-address node-address}

This command enables stacking on one or all nodes.

enable stacking-support This command enables a switch with dual-purpose hardware to participate in a stack.
enable stpd {stpd_name}

ports [all | port_list]

auto-bind [ {vlan} vlan_name | vlan vlan_list]

Enables the protocol for one or all STPDs.

enable tech-support collector

Enables the tech support feature.

enable telnet Enables Telnet access to the switch. By default, Telnet uses TCP port number 23.
enable web http

Enables hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) access to the switch on the default HTTP port (80).

enable web https

Enables secure socket layer (SSL) access to the switch on the default port (443).

hidden load commands <module_name>
history Displays the commands entered on the switch.
install firmware {force} {slot slot-number}

This command upgrades the ExtremeSwitching Universal platforms using images from the installed Switch Engine package.

install image [inactive |filename | local-file] {partition} {slot slotid}{reboot}

Installs a new version of the ExtremeXOS software image.

mv old_name new_name

Moves a file from the specified file system or relative to the current working directory to another file on the specified file system or relative to the current working directory.

ping mac mac port port {domain} domain_name {association} association_name

The ping, or loopback message (LBM), goes from the MEP configured on the port toward the given MAC address.

Allows you to ping on the Layer 2 level throughout the specified domain and MA.

reboot {[time mon day year hour min sec] | cancel} {slot slot-number} | node-address node-address | stack-topology {as-standby} | all} | rolling}

Reboots the switch, bridge port extenders (BPEs), or SummitStack in the specified slot at a specified date and time.

restart ports [all | port_list]

Resets autonegotiation for one or more ports by resetting the physical link.

run diagnostics [extended | normal] }

Runs normal or extended diagnostics on the switch or node, and stacking ports.

This command is not supported in stacking mode, but if you issue the show diagnostics command from the master node, it will show the diagnostic results for all the nodes.

run failover {force}

Causes a user-specified node failover.

run provisioning

Allows you to change management access to your device and to enhance security.

save configuration

{primary | secondary | existing-config | new-config}

automatic {every minutes {primary | secondary | existing-config | new-config} | never}

Saves the current configuration from the switch's runtime memory to non-volatile memory.

scp2 {cipher cipher} {mac mac} {compression [on | off]} {port portnum} {vr vr_name} user [hostname | ipaddress]:remote_file local_file

or scp2 {cipher cipher} {macmac} {compression [on | off]} {port portnum} {vr vr_name} local_file user [hostname | ipaddress]:remote_file

The first command initiates an SCP2 client session to a remote SCP2 server and copies a configuration or policy file from the remote system to the switch.

The second command initiates an SCP2 client session to a remote SCP2 server and copies a configuration or policy file from the switch to a remote system.

show banner {after-login | before-login} Displays the user-configured banner.
ssh2 {cipher cipher} {mac mac} {port portnum} {compression [on | off]} {user username} {username} [host | ipaddress] {remote command } {vr vr_name}

Initiates an SSH2 client session to a remote SSH2 server.

synchronize {slot slotid}

The synchronize command replicates all saved images and configurations from the master node to the backup or target node on a SummitStack.

synchronize stacking {node-address node_address | slot slot_number}

This command copies certain NVRAM based configuration parameters to the target node.

traceroute mac mac {up-end-point} port port {domain} domain_name {association} association_name {ttl ttl} Enables you to trace the routed path between the switch and a destination endstation.
unconfigure snmp [sysContact | sysName | sysLocation]

Allows you to send out a Link Trace Message (LTM) for the specified MA from the MEP configured on the port for the specified MAC address to the end of the MA.

unconfigure ip-security dhcp-snooping information option

Disables the relay agent option (option 82).

unconfigure ip-security dhcp-snooping information check

Disables the relay agent option (option 82) checking in the server-originated packets.

unconfigure ip-security dhcp-snooping information circuit-id port-information ports [port_list | all]

Unconfigures the port information portion of the circuit ID.

unconfigure ip-security dhcp-snooping information circuit-id vlan-information [dynamic | {vlan} vlan_name |all]

Unconfigures the info portion of the circuit ID of a VLAN.

unconfigure ip-security dhcp-snooping information policy

Unconfigures the relay agent option (option 82) policy.

unconfigure ip-security dhcp-snooping information remote-id

Removes the relay agent remote ID.

unconfigure log target [console | memory-buffer | nvram | session | syslog [all | ipaddress {udp-port {udp_port}} | ipPort | ipaddress tls-port {tls_port} ] {vr vr_name} {local0...local7}] format

Resets the log target format to its default values.

unconfigure ports port_list description string

port_list description string

port_list display-string

Unconfigures a description string setting.

Clears the user-defined display string from one or more ports.

unconfigure slot slot

Clears a slot of a previously assigned module type.

unconfigure ssl certificate [trusted-ca | ocsp-signature-ca] [file_name | all ]

Removes a trusted CA certificate or OCSP response signature CA certificate from the switch.

unconfigure stacking {node-address node_address | slot slot_number}

This command resets most stacking parameters to the default or unconfigured values.

unconfigure stacking-support

This command resets the stacking parameters configured with commands that use the stacking-support keyword.

unconfigure stpd {stpd_name}

Restores default values to a particular or all STPDs.

unconfigure switch {all}


unconfigure switch erase all | nvram

Resets all switch parameters (with the exception of defined user accounts, and date and time information) to the factory defaults.

If you specify the keyword all, the switch erases the currently selected configuration image in flash memory and reboots. As a result, all parameters are reset to default settings.

unconfigure [ {vlan} vlan_name | vlan vlan_list] ipaddress

Removes the IP address of the or a VMAN. With no parameters, the command removes the primary IPv4 address on the specified VLAN. Using the IPv6 parameters, you can remove specified IPv6 addresses from the specified VLAN.

uninstall image fname partition {msm slotid} {reboot}

On a SummitStack, use:

uninstall image fname partition {slot slot number } {reboot}

Uninstalls an ExtremeXOS software package. Also uninstalls a VOSS image when staged for installation on the next reboot.

upload configuration [hostname | ipaddress] filename {vr vr-name} {block-size block_size}

Uploads the current configuration in ASCII format to a TFTP server on your network.

use configuration file-name

Configures the switch to use a previously saved configuration on the next reboot.

use image {partition} partition {slot slotid}

Configures the switch to use a saved image on the next reboot.