Clear Counters

You can clear counters for Extreme 9920, MLX, and SLX devices.

About this task

Counters track the number packets. Counters increase over time and you can clear them as needed. For some devices, XCO supports specific object level counter clear and for some devices supports all object clear counter.

Table 1. Support for clearing counters
9920 SLX MLX
Clear all counters
  • Interface
  • Match
  • Egress group
  • Ingress group
  • Egress
  • Ingress policy
  • Egress policy
  • Transport tunnel
  • Tunnel encapsulation
  • Interface
  • Match
  • Interface
  • Match
Clear specific counters
  • Interface
  • Match
  • Egress group
  • Ingress group
  • Egress
  • Ingress policy
  • Egress policy
  • Transport tunnel
  • Tunnel encapsulation
  • Interface
  • Match
  • Interface


  1. In the Navigation menu, select Device Inventory.
  2. In the Devices page, click anywhere in the required device row except the Actions column (Actions column icon) to proceed to the device Overview page.
  3. Select Clear Counters from the Device Actions menu.
  4. To clear all counters of one object, select the check box for that type.
    The interfaces checkbox is selected.
  5. To clear specific counters of one type, expand the type and select the check boxes for the counters.
    Three of the interfaces are selected.
  6. Select Clear.
    Reports in the dashboards are updated to reflect your selections.