Add Location

The Location Definition file (in CSV format) identifies geographical locations.

About this task

After XCO is installed, you can upload the CSV file to the interface. For information about deploying XCO, see the ExtremeCloud Orchestrator Deployment Guide, 3.2.0 .


  1. In the Navigation menu, select Locations.
    Location Management lists locations
    The Location Management window opens.
  2. Select Add Location.
    The Add New Location window opens.
  3. To add new locations manually, take the following steps:
    1. Select Add Address and type the following information:
      • Name
      • Type
      • Region
      • Street Address
      • Country
      • State
      • City
      • Zipcode
      • Latitude
      • Longitude


      All the above mentioned fields are mandatory to add a new location.
    2. Select Save.
  4. To import the locations.csv file, do the following:
    1. Select Import Location.
    2. Click Select File.
      Use the sample .CSV file provided to create a .CSV file with all the location details.
    3. Upload the .CSV file.
    4. Select Save.