Upgrade Firmware (Device Level)

Before you begin

  • Register firmware host. For more information, see Register Firmware Host.
  • When you upgrade to a new firmware image on SLX and Extreme 9920 products, the previous image is moved to the secondary location, and the previous secondary image is moved to the temporary location until the new image is committed.

    Extreme 9920 devices overwrite the firmware in the specified location and may not have a secondary image available.

  • If Extreme 9920 microservices do not come up within 25 minutes after the firmware upgrade, the image rollbacks automatically.
  • If any of the Extreme 9920 microservices do not come up after image rollback, the device is set to Degraded state.

About this task

For SLX devices, XCO extracts the target firmware version file name from the directory name.


Target firmware version: 18s.1.03a


Absolute path to the binary file for Extreme 9920 devices:


For MLX devices, the target firmware version file name is extracted from the manifest file name.


Target firmware version 6.3.00bc


As a best practice, do not change the target firmware version file name and the directory name.
Table 1. Supported protocol
Device Type Protocol
Extreme 9920 SCP
SLX Network Packet Broker (NPB) SCP


  1. In the Navigation menu, select Device Inventory.
  2. In the Devices page, select Upgrade Firmware from the Actions column (Actions column icon) for the device you want to upgrade.
    Alternatively, click anywhere in the device row except the Actions column to proceed to the Device Overview page and select Upgrade Firmware from the Device Actions menu.
  3. In the Host field, provide the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the firmware host server.
  4. In the Absolute Path field, provide the firmware file path.
  5. Select Download and Activate.
  6. Select Upgrade Firmware.