Configure a License

You can add licenses to the system.

About this task

Follow this procedure to install and configure license.

For information about commands and supported parameters to configure licenses, see the ExtremeCloud Orchestrator Command Reference, 3.4.0 .


  1. Run the following command to add the licenses:
    efa license add --filepath <file name with path>
  2. Run the following command to view the license information:
    efa license show


The following is an example of adding a license:
efa license add --filepath /Users/SSAVLA/git/GoDCApp/XCO/licensing/scripts/lservlcXIQSE-E55555555555555555555555555555551012202312-43AM.lic
|                         License File                         |   License Type    | License Features |            Start Date             |          Expiration Date           |
| lservlcXIQSE-E55555555555555555555555555555551012202312-43AM | Normal Standalone | PRD-XCO-EFA-D    | at 0:00 hrs (UTC) on Oct 12, 2023 | at 23:59 hrs (UTC) on Nov 11, 2023 |
License details
--- Time Elapsed: 976.557741ms ---
The following is an example of viewing a license information:
# efa license show
|                             LICENSE FILE                            |   LICENSE TYPE    | LICENSE FEATURES |    START DATE     |   EXPIRATION DATE   |
| license1.lic                                                        | Normal Standalone | PRD-XCO-NAV-S-C  | at 0:00 hrs (UTC) | at 23:59 hrs (UTC)  |
|                                                                     |                   |                  | on Oct 15, 2021   | on Oct 17, 2023     |
| lservlcTEST-0000-0001PRD-5000-PRMR.lic                              | Normal Standalone | PRD-5000-PRMR    | at 0:00 hrs (UTC) | License has no      |
|                                                                     |                   |                  | on Jun 2, 2022    | expiration.         |
| lservlcXCO-4464725328CD4130B8D425187D410000-100xNav-17-10-2023.lic  | Normal Standalone | PRD-XCO-NAV-S-C  | at 0:00 hrs (UTC) | at 23:59 hrs (UTC)  |
|                                                                     |                   |                  | on Oct 15, 2021   | on Oct 17, 2023     |
| lservlcXIQSE-1112223334445556667890ABCD87878791120231-27PM.lic      | Normal Standalone | PRD-XCO-PIL-S-C  | at 0:00 hrs (UTC) | at 23:59 hrs (UTC)  |
|                                                                     |                   |                  | on Jan 1, 2023    | on Dec 31, 2023     |
License details
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