The alarm inventory contains a list of system default alarms.
ID | 32000 |
Type | Security |
Max Alarm Instance | 7 (application certificate types) |
Description | Raise an alarm to notify that an XCO certificate is about to expire or has expired. |
Associated Alerts | XCO
3.2.0: CertificateExpiryNoticeAlert CertificateExpiredAlert CertificateRenewalAlert XCO 3.3.0: CertificateUnreadableAlert |
Severity | Warning / Critical |
Will Clear | True |
Raise or Clear Conditions (Status Change) | Warning:
Expiration of an XCO certificate within 90 days (Certificate Expiry
Notice Alert) or Error reading the certificate during component
polling (Certificate Unreadable Alert) Critical: XCO certificate has expired (Certificate Expired Alert) Cleared: XCO certificate renewal (Certificate Renewal Alert) |
Action | Notify APP_ALARMS syslog / webhook |
ID | 32001 |
Type | Security |
Max Alarm Instance | Number of Devices * 3 (device certificate types) |
Description | Raise an alarm to notify that a device certificate is about to expire or has expired. |
Associated Alerts | XCO
3.2.0: DeviceCertificateExpiryNoticeAlert DeviceCertificateExpiredAlert DeviceCertificateRenewalAlert XCO 3.3.0: DeviceCertificateUnreadableAlert DeviceCertificateDeviceRemovedAlert |
Severity | Warning / Critical |
Will Clear | True |
Raise or Clear Conditions (Status Change) | |
Action | Notify APP_ALARMS syslog / webhook |
ID | 32010 |
Type | Security |
Max Alarm Instance | Number of Users* *This Includes existing and non-existing application users. |
Description | Raise an alarm to notify suspicious login activity. |
Associated Alerts | LoginFailureAlert |
Severity | Warning |
Will Clear | False |
Raise or Clear Conditions (Status Change) | Warning: 5 successive failed login attempts within 1 minute System will not clear the alarm. |
Action | Notify APP_ALARMS syslog / webhook |
ID | 32030 |
Type | Communication |
Max Alarm Instance | 4 (number of supported LDAP servers) |
Description | Raise an alarm and notify an LDAP server is no longer reachable. |
Associated Alerts | LDAPServerConnectivityFailureAlert LDAPServerConnectivitySuccessAlert LDAPServerConfigurationRemovedAlert |
Severity | Major |
Will Clear | True |
Raise or Clear Conditions (Status Change) | Major: LDAP
server connectivity failure. Cleared: LDAP server connectivity restored or LDAP server configuration removal. |
Action | Notify APP_ALARMS syslog / webhook |
ID | 32040 |
Type | Processing |
Max Alarm Instance | Number of Nodes * 2 (monitored mount points) |
Description | Raise an alarm to notify storage utilization for XCO installation has reached a certain threshold or it is full. |
Associated Alerts | StorageUtilizationThresholdAlert StorageUtilizationFullAlert StorageUtilizationCheckAlert |
Severity | Warning - Critical (All severities between Warning and Critical are possible) |
Will Clear | True |
Raise or Clear Conditions (Status Change) | Warning:
File system utilization is 75% - 84% (Storage Utilization Threshold
Alert) Minor: File system utilization is 85% - 94% (Storage Utilization Threshold Alert) Major: File system utilization is 95% - 96% (Storage Utilization Threshold Alert) Critical: File system utilization is 97% - 100% (Storage Utilization Threshold Alert or Storage Utilization Full Alert) Cleared: File system utilization is below 75% (Storage Utilization Check Alert) |
Action | Notify APP_ALARMS syslog / webhook |
ID | 32500 |
Type | Communications |
Max Alarm Instance | Number of Devices |
Description | Raise an alarm and notify a registered device has lost connectivity either due to the configured device health setting or during a device inventory update. |
Associated Alerts | DeviceConnectivityFailureAlert DeviceConnectivitySuccessAlert DeviceConnectivityDeviceRemovedAlert |
Severity | Major |
Will Clear | True |
Raise or Clear Conditions (Status Change) | Major:
Device connectivity failure. Cleared: Device connectivity restored or Device registration removal. |
Action | Notify APP_ALARMS syslog / webhook |
ID | 32050 |
Type | Operational |
Max Alarm Instance | 1 (Single HA service alarm) |
Description | Raise an alarm and notify a loss of redundancy and/or failover has occurred. |
Associated Alerts | HAServiceNonRedundantAlert HAServiceFullyRedundantAlert HAServiceNewActiveAlert |
Severity | Major |
Will Clear | True |
Raise or Clear Conditions (Status Change) | Major: HA
redundancy is lost Cleared: HA redundancy is restored |
Action | Notify APP_ALARMS syslog / webhook |
ID | 32051 |
Type | Operational |
Max Alarm Instance | 1 (Single node service alarm) |
Description | Raise an alarm and notify the nodes‘ services are not all running and degraded. |
Associated Alerts | ServiceDegradedAlert ServiceRestoredAlert |
Severity | Warning |
Will Clear | True |
Raise or Clear Conditions (Status Change) | Major:
Nodes‘ services are not all running. Cleared: Nodes‘ services are all running |
Action | Notify APP_ALARMS syslog / webhook |
ID | 33000 |
Type | FabricService |
Max Alarm Instance | Number of fabrics |
Description | Raise an alarm and notify that fabric health is changed. Note: The fabric alarm
and fabric alarm status update notifications indicate that the
fabric alarm is cleared when it should remain raised, but
quickly gets updated to the proper raised state.
Associated Alerts | FabricStateDegradedAlert FabricStateHealthyAlert FabricPhysicalTopologyDegradedAlert FabricPhysicalTopologyHealthyAlert FabricDeviceAppStateDegradedAlert FabricDeviceAppStateHealthyAlert FabricDeviceProvisioningStateDegradedAlert FabricDeviceProvisioningStateHealthyAlert FabricDeviceMctDegradedAlert FabricDeviceMctHealthyAlert FabricDevicePhysicalTopologyDegradedAlert FabricDeviceUnderlayTopologyDegradedAlert FabricDeviceOverlayTopologyDegradedAlert FabricDevicePhysicalTopologyHealthyAlert FabricDeviceUnderlayTopologyHealthyAlert FabricDeviceOverlayTopologyHealthyAlert FabricHealthDegradedAlert FabricHealthRestoredAlert FabricDeviceRemovedAlert FabricDeletedAlert |
Severity | Major |
Will Clear | True |
Raise or Clear Conditions (Status Change) | Major:
Fabric health Degraded Cleared: Fabric Health Restored |
Action | Notify APP_ALARMS syslog / webhook |
ID | 34000 |
Type | Communications |
Max Alarm Instance | 1 (Per Device) |
Description | 1 |
Associated Alerts | PortFlapAlert PortFlapClearAlert |
Severity | Major |
Will Clear | True |
Raise or Clear Conditions (Status Change) | Major: Port
Flap Alert Cleared: Port Flap Clear Alert |
Action | Notify APP_ALARMS syslog / webhook |
The maximum alarm instance calculation is as follows:
(CertificateExpiration Instances) + (DeviceCertificateExpiration Instances) + (LoginAuthentication Instances) + (StorageUtilization Instances) + (LDAPServer Instances) + (DeviceConnectivity Instances) + (HAServiceRedunances Instance) + (NodeService Instance) + (PortFlap instance) = (7) + (20 * 3) + (10) + (2 * 2) + (5) + (20) + (1) + (1) + (20 * 32)= 748