efa policy qos profile unbind


efa policy qos profile unbind [ --name string | --fabric fabricName | --tenant tenantName | --port stringArray | --po po-list ]


--name string
Specifies the name of the QoS profile.
--fabric string
Specifies the name of the fabric to unbind.
--tenant tenantName
Specifies the name of the tenant to bind.
--port stringArray
Optional. Used to bind fabric-internal ports or a list of physical ports of a tenant to bind. Example: "fabric-internal" or "SW1_IP[0/1,0/2,0/5:1-2], SW2_IP[0/3,0/6,0/9-20]".
--po po-list
Optional. Used to specify the list of port-channels of a tenant to bind. Example: po3,po5,po9,po12.


This example removes the configuration of a specified QoS profile from all devices and interfaces on a specified fabric.
efa policy qos profile unbind --name fabricProfile1 -–fabric fabric1
This example removes the configuration of a QoS profile named "tenantProfile2" from all devices or interfaces on "tenant1" on which the configuration has been applied.
efa policy qos profile unbind --name tenantProfile1 --tenant tenant1
This example removes the configuration of a QoS profile named "tenantProfile2" from device IP ethernet 0/1 (ethernet 0/1 is a member of tenant1)
efa policy qos profile unbind --name tenantProfile2 --tenant tenant1 –-port “[0/1]” --po po3,po4