efa tenant vrf update

Updates the tenant VRF for various operations and parameters, such as ASN.


efa tenant vrf update [--name vrf-name | --tenant tenant-name | --operation { local-asn-add | local-asn-delete | static-route-bfd-add | static-route-bfd-delete | static-route-add | static-route-delete | max-path-add | max-path-delete | redistribute-add | redistribute-delete | rh-max-path-add | rh-max-path-delete | centralized-router-add | centralized-router-delete | rh-ecmp-update | graceful-restart-update | next-hop-recursion-update | network-add | network-delete | static-network-add | static-network-delete | aggregate-address-add | aggregate-address-delete | default-information-originate-update } | --local-asn local-asn | --ipv4-static-route-bfd route | --ipv6-static-route-bfd route --ipv4-static-route-next-hop route | | --ipv6-static-route-next-hop route | --ipv6-network-backdoor stringArray | --ipv6-network-weight stringArray | --ipv6-network-route-map stringArray --max-path unit |--redistribute { static | connected }| --rh-max-path { 8 | 16 | 64 | 128 } | --rh-ecmp-enable { true | false } | --centralized-router | --ipv4-network stringArray | --ipv4-network-backdoor stringArray | --ipv4-network-weight stringArray | --ipv4-network-route-map stringArray | --ipv4-network-route-map stringArray | --ipv6-network stringArray | --ipv4-static-network stringArray| --ipv4-static-network-distance stringArray | --graceful-restart-enable { true | false } | --operation aggregate-address-add | aggregate-address-delete | --ipv4-aggregate-address stringArray | --ipv4-aggregate-summary-only stringArray | --ipv6-aggregate-summary-only stringArray | --ipv6-aggregate-address stringArray | --ipv4-aggregate-as-set stringArray | --ipv6-aggregate-as-set stringArray | --ipv4-aggregate-advertise-map stringArray | --ipv6-aggregate-advertise-map stringArray | --ipv4-aggregate-suppress-map stringArray | --ipv6-aggregate-suppress-map stringArray | --next-hop-recursion-update { true | false} | --default-information-originate-enable { true | false } ]


--name vrf-name
Specifies the VRF name.
--tenant tenant-name
Specifies the tenant name.
--operation { local-asn-add | local-asn-delete | static-route-bfd-add | static-route-bfd-delete | static-route-add | static-route-delete | max-path-add | max-path-delete | redistribute-add | redistribute-delete | rh-max-path-add | rh-max-path-delete | centralized-router-add | centralized-router-delete | rh-ecmp-update | graceful-restart-update | next-hop-recursion-update | network-add | network-delete | static-network-add | static-network-delete | aggregate-address-add | aggregate-address-delete | default-information-originate-update }
Identifies the operation you want to perform. Valid values are:
  • local-asn-add
  • local-asn-delete
  • redistribute-add
  • redistribute-delete
  • centralized-router-add
  • centralized-router-delete
  • next-hop-recursion-update
  • network-add
  • network-delete
  • static-network-add
  • static-network-delete
  • aggregate-address-add
  • aggregate-address-delete
  • default-information-originate-update


Idempotency is supported for the following additional valid operations:
  • max-path-add
  • max-path-delete
  • rh-max-path-add
  • rh-max-path-delete
  • rh-ecmp-update
  • graceful-restart-update
  • static-route-add
  • static-route-delete
  • static-route-bfd-add
  • static-route-bfd-delete
--local-asn locl-asn
Specifies the local ASN for the VRF.
--ipv4-static-route-bfd route
Specifies the IPv4 static route BFD in the following format: device IP, destination IPv4 address, source IPv4 address[interval, min-rx, multiplier]. For example:,,,123,456,3.
--ipv6-static-route-bfd route
Specifies the IPv6 static route BFD in the following format: device IP, destination IPv6 address, source IP address[interval, min-rx, multiplier]. For example:,1::1,2::2,300,300,3.
--ipv4-static-route-next-hop route
Specifies the IPv4 static route next hop in the following format: device IP, IPv4 static route network, next hop IP, and route distance separated by commas. For example:,, Valid values for the route distance are 1 through 254.
--ipv6-static-route-next-hop route
Specifies the IPv4 static route next hop in the following format: device IP, IPv6 static route network, next hop IP, and route distance separated by commas. For example:,2001:1::/64,3001::2,3. Valid values for the route distance are 1 through 254.
--max-path unit
Specifies the number of load-sharing paths for the VRF. Valid values are 1 through 128.
--redistribute { static | connected }
Specifies the redistribute type for routes. Valid values are static or connected.
--rh-max-path { 8 | 16 | 64 | 128 }
Specifies the maximum number of resilient hashing paths allowed per tenant VRF. Valid values are 8, 16, 64, or 128.
--rh-ecmp-enable { true | false }
Turns on or turns off resilient hashing for a tenant VRF. Valid values are true or false.
--routing-type { distributed | centralized }
VRF routing type. Default value is distributed.
Comma-separated list of border-leaf IP addresses.
--graceful-restart-enable { true | false }
Turns on or turns off graceful restart for a tenant VRF. Valid values are true or false.
--ipv4-network stringArray
BGP advertises given network address. Format: device-ip,network-address. Example: --ipv4-network,
--ipv4-network-backdoor stringArray
Increases the administrative distance of eBGP with the goal of making IGP learned routes preferred for a given network address. Format: device-ip,network-address,flag. Example: --ipv4-network-backdoor,,true.
--ipv4-network-weight stringArray
Given weight is used to set the BGP weight attribute for the given network address. Format: device-ip,network-address,weight. Example: --ipv4-network-weight,,144.
--ipv4-network-route-map stringArray
Given route-map is used to set the BGP attributes for the given network address like MED. Format: device-ip,network-address,rm. Example: --ipv4-network-route-map,,routeMap1.
--ipv6-network stringArray
BGP advertises given network address. Format: device-ip,network-address. Example: --ipv6-network,11::/128.
--ipv6-network-backdoor stringArray
Increases the administrative distance of eBGP with the goal of making IGP learned routes preferred for given network address. Format:device-ip,network-address,flag. Example: --ipv6-network-backdoor,11::/128,true.
--ipv6-network-weight stringArray
Given weight is used to set the BGP weight attribute for the given network address. Format: device-ip,network-address,weight. Example: --ipv6-network-weight,11::/128,144.
--ipv6-network-route-map stringArray
Given route map is used to set the BGP attributes for the given network address like MED. Format:device-ip,network-address,rm. Example: --ipv6-network-route-map,11::/128,rmap1.
--ipv4-static-network stringArray
IPv4 static network to be configured on the device. Format: Device IP, IPv4 Static Network. Example:,
--ipv4-static-network-distance stringArray
IPv4 static network with distance to be configured on the device. Format: Device IP, IPv4 Static Network, Distance(valid values are <1-255>). Example:,,169.
--ipv4-aggregate-address stringArray
IPv4 aggregate-address in the format device-ip,ipv4-aggregate-address Example:,
--ipv6-aggregate-address stringArray
IPv6 aggregate-address in the format device-ip,ipv6-aggregate-address Example:,10::20/126.
--ipv4-aggregate-summary-only stringArray
Enable to advertise only aggregated-address. Format: device-ip,ipv4-aggregate-address,ipv4-aggregate-summary-only. Example:,,true.
--ipv6-aggregate-summary-only stringArray
Enable to advertise only aggregated-address. Format: device-ip,ipv6-aggregate-address,ipv6-aggregate-summary-only. Example:,10::20/126,true.
--ipv4-aggregate-as-set stringArray
Enable to set AS set path information as part of aggregate-address advertisement. Format: device-ip,ipv4-aggregate-address,ipv4-aggregate-as-set. Example:,,true.
--ipv6-aggregate-as-set stringArray
Enable to set AS set path information as part of aggregate-address advertisement. device-ip,ipv6-aggregate-address,ipv6-aggregate-as-set. Example:,10::20/126,true.
--ipv4-aggregate-advertise-map stringArray
Route map name used to filter the BGP attributes to be advertised as part of aggregate-address. Format: device-ip,ipv4-aggregate-address,ipv4-aggregate-advertise-map. Example:,,routeMap1.
--ipv6-aggregate-advertise-map stringArray
Route map name used to filter the BGP attributes to be advertised as part of aggregate-address. Format: device-ip,ipv6-aggregate-address,ipv6-aggregate-advertise-map. Example:,10::20/126,routeMap1.
--ipv4-aggregate-suppress-map stringArray
Route map name used to suppress the specific routes to be advertised along with the aggregate-address advertisement, in the following format: device-ip,ipv4-aggregate-address,ipv4-aggregate-suppress-map. For example:,,routeMap1.
--ipv6-aggregate-suppress-map stringArray
Route map name used to suppress the specific routes to be advertised, along with the aggregate-address advertisement in the following format: device-ip,ipv6-aggregate-address,ipv6-aggregate-suppress-map. For example:,10::20/126,routeMap1.
--next-hop-recursion-update { true | false}
Enable next hop recursion for vrf. Example: --next-hop-recursion-enable true | --next-hop-recursion--enable false
--default-information-originate-enable { true | false }
Enables or disables default-information-originate per tenant VRF. Default is disabled.

Usage Guidelines

The --max-path and --rh-max-path parameters can co-exist.

You cannot choose the specific devices on which to configure resilient hashing. Configuration applies to all SLX devices in the tenant VRF.


This example adds redistribution connected to a VRF.
$ efa tenant vrf update 
--name blue11 --tenant tenant11 --operation redistribute-add --redistribute connected

Vrf updated successfully.
This example removes the max-path from the VRF.
$ efa tenant vrf update 
--name blue12 --tenant tenant1 --operation rh-max-path-delete

Vrf updated successfully.
$ efa tenant vrf update –-name vrf1 –-tenant tenant1
--operation aggregate-address-add
$ efa tenant vrf update –-name vrf1 –-tenant tenant1 
 --operation network-add 
efa tenant vrf update --name ten1vrf1 --tenant ten1 --operation max-path-add --max-path 128 
efa tenant vrf update --name ten1vrf1 --tenant ten1 --operation rh-max-path-add --rh-max-path 128 
efa tenant vrf show --detail 
Name                    : ten1vrf1
Tenant                  : ten1 
Routing Type            : distributed 
Centralized Routers     : 
Enable Layer3 Extension : true 
Redistribute            : connected 
Max Path                : 128 
Local Asn               : 
L3VNI                   : 8192 
EVPN IRB BD             : 4096 
EVPN IRB VE             : 8192 
BR VNI                  : 4096 
BR BD                   : 
BR VE                   : 
RH Max Path             : 128 
Enable RH ECMP          : false 
Enable Graceful Restart : false 
Enable NextHop Recursion: false 
Route Target            : import 101:101 
 			    : export 101:101 
Static Route            : 
Static Route BFD        : 
Network Route Address   : 
Static Network          : 
Aggregate Address       : 
VRF Type                : private 
State                   : vrf-device-created 
Dev State               : provisioned 
App State               : cfg-in-sync 
Name                    : ten1vrf2 
Tenant                  : ten1 
Routing Type            : distributed 
Centralized Routers     : 
Enable Layer3 Extension : true 
Redistribute            : connected 
Max Path                : 128 
Local Asn               : 
L3VNI                   : 8191 
EVPN IRB BD             : 4095 
EVPN IRB VE             : 8191 
BR VNI                  : 4096 
BR BD                   : 
BR VE                   : 
RH Max Path             : 128 
Enable RH ECMP          : false 
Enable Graceful Restart : false 
Enable NextHop Recursion: false 
Route Target            : import 102:102 
			     : export 102:102 
Static Route            : 
Static Route BFD        : 
Network Route Address   : 
Static Network          : 
Aggregate Address       : 
VRF Type                : private 
State                   : vrf-device-created 
Dev State               : provisioned 
App State               : cfg-in-sync 