Clear Device Counters

You can clear counters for Extreme 9920, MLX, and SLX devices.

About this task

Counters track the number of times a certain event or process occurs. Counters increase over time and you can delete them as needed.

For Extreme 9920 devices, you can clear the following counters:
  • interface
  • ACL
  • egress group
  • ingress group
  • interface
  • transport tunnel
  • tunnel encapsulation

For MLX and SLX devices, you can clear interface and ACL counters.


  1. In the Navigation menu, select Configure.
  2. In the Devices panel, right-click a device and select Clear Counters.
  3. Select one or more counters to clear.
  4. Save () your selections.
    Reports in the dashboards are updated to reflect your selections.