Create an Egress

An egress associates ports and port channels with an egress policy.

Before you begin

If applicable, create the port channel that you need for the egress. For more information, see Create a Port Channel.

Create the egress policy that you need for the egress. For more information, see Create an Egress Policy for a Device.

About this task

When you create the egress, you assign a name, select a port (or port channel) and its precedence, and then associate your selections with an egress policy. Egress is then available to be associated with the egress groups that you create.


  1. In the Navigation menu, select Configure.
  2. In the Devices panel, select the device for which you want to create egress.
  3. Select the Configuration tab.
  4. In the Device Config menu, select Add Egress.
  5. In the Egress Name field, enter a name.
    The egress cannot have the same name as an egress group.
  6. In the Port/Port Channel field, select an egress port or port channel.
  7. In the Precedence field, select the order of precedence for the port or port channel.
    The precedence indicates the priority given to the port or port channel. The lower the number, the higher the priority.
  8. Select + to add your selections.
  9. In the Egress Policy field, select the policy to associate with the egress.
  10. Save () your selections.