Download and Untar the Build

This is part one of a five-part process.


  1. Download the xvm-<version-build>.tar file.
  2. Untar the build directory.
    #tar -xvf xvm-<version-build>.tar
    Several files are untarred, including *.conf files and qcow2 files for each control plane, region, and zone VM.


    For multiple regions, make copies of the region qcow2 file.
  3. Create different directories for each VM in which to store the qcow2 files and the *.conf files.
    # cp xvm_<filename>/controlplane-xvm_<filename>.qcow2 controlplane1-xvm.qcow2 
    # cp xvm_<filename>/region-xvm_<filename>.qcow2 region1-xvm.qcow2 
    # cp xvm_<filename>/zone-xvm_<filename>.qcow2 zone1-xvm.qcow2

What to do next

Create the Control Plane Virtual Machine