Configure and Verify the System

This is part five of a five-part process.

Before you begin


  1. Ensure that the installations on the control plane, region, and zone VMs (nodes) are complete.
  2. On the control plane VM, verify that etcd and haproxy are running.
    # systemctl status haproxy
    # systemctl status etcd3
  3. On each region VM, verify that the patroni service is running.
    # systemctl status patroni
  4. On any region VM, determine whether leader election is complete.
    # patronictl -c /opt/app/patroni/etc/postgresql.yml list postgres
    Output of the command identifies the IP address of the host with the Leader role.
  5. On the control plane VM, create the join token.
    # kubeadm token create --print-join-command
    kubeadm join --token cmtjhj.fah33qgst7gl0z7w     
  6. On each region and zone VM, run the highlighted portion of the output in step 5.
  7. On the control plane VM, verify that the nodes are joined.
    # kubectl get nodes 
    NAME       STATUS     ROLES                  AGE     VERSION 
    control    Ready      control-plane          6m50s   v1.20.5 
    regions1   Ready      <none>                 58s     v1.20.5 
    zones1     Ready      <none>                 53s     v1.20.5 
    The wait time for VMs to join is typically 1 to 2 minutes. In the output of the command, regions and zones should be in Ready state.
  8. On each region and zone VM, verify that Docker images are loaded.
    # docker images
  9. Verify that all system pods are in Running state.
    # kubectl get pods -A
    The Status column in the output shows the state.
  10. Set node labels for each region and zone using the kubectl label nodes <hostname><label> syntax, where <label> is in the following format: reg1 for regions 1, 2, and 3, and reg1-zone1, reg1-zone2 for different zones in a region.
    kubectl label nodes cat-region1-evm region=reg1
    kubectl label nodes cat-region2-evm region=reg1
    kubectl label nodes cat-region3-evm region=reg1
    kubectl label nodes cat-zone1-evm zone=reg1-zone1
    The final command differs from the others in two ways. It has a different label and the label value is assigned.
  11. Copy the locations.csv file from the qcow build directory to one of the region VMs.
  12. Edit the locations.csv file to reflect zone VM configuration.
    Do not insert spaces after commas or in any fields other than the geographical location fields. Ensure that the IP addresses are valid. Zone names and host names can consist of numeric characters and lowercase alphabetic characters.
    36.4467° N,84.0674° W
    usa,region-1,,west-zone,,zone-188,Las Vegas,
    36.1699° N,115.1398° W
    This example shows two zones in one region, with IP addresses of and and host names of zone-187 and zone-188. You must edit the highlighted fields. For an example of a locations.csv file with IPv6 addresses, see Create a Location Definition File.
  13. On each region VM, create the following directory and copy the locations.csv file into the directory.
    mkdir -p /opt/crms
    cp locations.csv /opt/crms
  14. On the control plane VM, perform the following.
    cd /etc/xvm/controlplane_node_binaries
    The wait time for the script to finish running is typically 8 to 10 minutes.
  15. Verify that pods are in Running state.
    # kubectl get pods -n xvm