Create a Location Definition File

The Location Definition file (in CSV format) identifies regions and their associated zones and managed locations.

About this task

You create the locations.csv file before you install Visibility Manager because you need to update the file during the installation process.
The following rules apply to the contents of the CSV file.
  • Do not insert spaces after commas or in any fields other than the geographical location fields.
  • Ensure that the IP addresses are valid.
  • Zone names and host names can consist of numeric characters and lowercase alphabetic characters.
  • The <zone-vm-ipv6> field is required only if you set the eth0_ADDRTYPE variable to v4v6 in the *.conf files. For more information, see Create the Control Plane Virtual Machine.


  1. Create a CSV file with a file name of locations.csv.
  2. Add content to the file using the following format, allowing one row per location-name.

    For example:

    Click to expand in new window
    Sample locations.csv file
    A spreadsheet with 10 columns and 2 rows. Column 1 contains country name. Column 2 contains region name. Column 3 contains the zone VM IPv4 address. Column 4 contains zone name. Column 5 contains zone IPv4 address. Column 6 contains zone host name. Column 7 contains location name. Column 8 contains the latitude of the location. Column 9 contains the longitude of the location. Column 10 contains the zone VM IPv6 address
  3. Save the file to a location that is accessible from the region VMs.
    You need to be able to edit the file from the region VMs during installation.