Configure a User Profile for Traffic Tunneling

Use the following procedure to configure GRE traffic tunneling using Tunnel Concentrator for a user profile.

  1. Log in to ExtremeCloud‌ IQ.
  2. Go to Configure > Common Objects > Policy > User Profiles and either create a new user profile, or select an existing profile to edit.
    Select an existing profile from the Re-use Tunnel Policy menu.
  3. On the Traffic Tunneling tab, turn on Traffic Tunneling (GRE), and then select the type of traffic tunneling.
  4. For Tunnel Concentrator, select the Tunnel Destination from the drop-down list.
    You can add a new Tunnel Concentrator service by selecting Add, or select Edit to modify an existing instance. For more information, see Configure Tunnel Concentrator Services.
  5. Select Save.