Network Setup

Host Attributes

Attributes that define your network: Host Name, Domain Name, Default Gateway, and your DNS servers.

The Default Gateway IP address is the global default IP route setting for the appliance. Valid values are: the Admin topology gateway address and any IP address on the physical Interfaces or Bridge at AC VLAN topology subnets.

L2 Ports

Use the L2 Ports information to understand the OSI Layer 2 (Data Link Layer) physical topology of the data plane. These ports represent the actual Ethernet ports.

Select to display port statistics.
Click to expand in new window
Port Statistics
Port Statistics


Add network topologies. Topologies represent the networks with which the Universal Compute Appliance interacts. The attributes of a topology are: VLAN ID, Port, IP address, Mode, and certificates. To add an interface, select Add New Interface.

Static Routes

Use static routes to set the default route of the Universal Compute Appliance so that device traffic can be forwarded to the default gateway. To add a static route, select Add New Route.