Upgrade NodesNEW!

Use this procedure to initiate an on demand upgrade of Universal Compute Platform nodes. You can upgrade each node in the cluster from a single node.


  • You cannot upgrade more than one node in the cluster at the same time.
  • The software installation image must be uploaded already to the local node (the node on which you've logged in). If you're upgrading a different node than the local node, the software installation image must have been uploaded to that node as well.
  1. From any cluster node, go to Administration > System > Software Upgrade.
  2. Select Image Management.
  3. Select the image that you want to use for the upgrade and then select the (Upgrade) icon.
  4. Set the following fields in the Software Upgrade popup:
    • Image—Make sure that the image that you want to use is selected.
    • Backup System Image to—Select Local.
    • Upgrade—Select Now.
    • Node—Select the node that you want to upgrade.
  5. Select Upgrade.
    The upgrade process begins.
After the upgrade finishes, restart the procedure and select a different node for upgrade.