Upload Software Image

Use this procedure to upload a new image file to a Universal Compute Platform node. You must upload the image before you can use the image to complete an upgrade.


The software image must be accessible from your local computer.
  1. Go to Administration > System > Software Upgrade.
  2. Select Upload.
  3. For Image Type, select Upgrade or Backup, depending on the type of image.
  4. For the Destination, select Local.
  5. Select the Upload Method (HTTP, FTP, or SCP).
  6. Complete one of the following actions according to the selected upload method
    • For HTTP uploads, complete one of the following options to upload the file:
      • Select and drag the image file to the Universal Compute Platform desktop.
      • Select the (Choose Upgrade File) icon and then browse to the image file and select it.
    • For FTP or SCP uploads, complete the additional server fields that display according to the below requirements and then select Upload Image:
      • Server IP—Enter the IP address of the server where the image is stored.
      • Username—Enter a username for an account that has access to the server.
      • Password—Enter the password for the preceding user account.
      • Directory—Enter the directory where the software image is stored.
      • Filename—Enter the filename of the software image file.
    The image file uploads to Universal Compute Platform.

What to do Next

For clustered deployments, Copy Image to All Nodes. Otherwise, upgrade this node using one of the following procedures: