Copy Image to All NodesNEW!

For clustered deployments, use this procedure to copy the software image from one cluster node to other nodes in the cluster.


  • The image must be uploaded already to the source node for the Copy.
  • The Copy feature applies to Universal Compute Platform software installation images only.
  1. Log in to the Universal Compute Platform node where the image is uploaded.
  2. Go to Administration > System > Software Upgrade.
  3. Select Image Management.
  4. Select the image that you want to copy and then select the (Copy to Nodes) icon.
  5. In the Copy image to nodes popup, set the following fields:
    • Image—Make sure that the correct file is selected.
    • Copy Image to—Select each destination node for the copy. You can select multiple nodes.


    The destination nodes must be running version 5.07.01 or later.
  6. Select Copy.
    The software image copies to the selected nodes.
What to do Next

Upgrade the cluster nodes using one of these procedures: