link GraphQL Schema definition
- input PolicyNetworkResourceTopologyMutationDataInput {
- # Replace all islands with the specified list and assoicated devices. One island
- # must be declared default. Omitted devices will be added to the default island
- # automatically.
- PolicyNetworkResourceTopologyIslandMutationDataInput] : [
- # Delete the specified island. Associated devices are moved to the default island.
- # If a specified island is the default island in the topology it can not be
- # deleted and an error is returned.
- String] : [
- # Creates/modifies the specified islands by APPENDING the current devices in the
- # island with the specified devices for each island
- PolicyNetworkResourceTopologyIslandMutationDataInput] : [
- String :
- String :
- # Creates/modifies the specified islands setting the specified device lists for
- # the island, while keeping other existing islands. Unlike other creation
- # operations that occur using unique name (it Test(1)) the name specified for an
- # island must match, such that if the island exists, it is modified.
- PolicyNetworkResourceTopologyIslandMutationDataInput] : [
- }