
Rule modification payload containing identifier specifying what rule to change, and mutation data specifying what fields in the rule to change.

link GraphQL Schema definition

  • input RuleMutationConfigInput {
  • # Unique identifier optionally passed into input object of any query/mutation
  • # call, returned in the corresponding response output.
  • operationId: String
  • # Rule to create/modify/delete. Specify fields necessary to uniquely identify the
  • # rule: name (for modify/delete), parent service, and global(optional,
  • # default=false).
  • dataIdentifier: PolicyRuleDataIdentifierInput!
  • # Specifies what the operation type is (Create/Delete/Modify).
  • mutationType: DomainMutationTypeInput!
  • # Name of domain being modified. Validates the intended domain has been opened
  • # first via openDomain. Editing a different domain that has not been explicitly
  • # opened first returns an error.
  • domainName: String!
  • # Rule data fields to modify for CREATE/MODIFY operations.
  • mutationData: PolicyRuleMutationDataInput
  • # DEPRECATED - Replaced by operationId. NBI responses will not return this value
  • # anymore.
  • clientMutationId: String
  • }