
link GraphQL Schema definition

  • input RegisteredUserInput {
  • # Unique identifier optionally passed into input object of any query/mutation
  • # call, returned in the corresponding response output.
  • operationId: String
  • middleName: String
  • maxRegisterCount: Int
  • # Set a registration expires time with a long value in milleseconds
  • expiresTime: Date
  • lastName: String
  • userData1: String
  • portalConfiguration: String
  • # DEPRECATED - Replaced by operationId. NBI responses will not return this value
  • # anymore.
  • clientMutationId: String
  • location: String
  • firstName: String
  • attempts: Int
  • emailAddress: String
  • userName: String!
  • preRegistered: Boolean
  • # Set a registration start time with a long value in milleseconds
  • startTime: Date
  • sponsor: String
  • userData4: String
  • # Set user type to GUEST or WEB_AUTH. Default is GUEST.
  • userType: UserTypeInput
  • userData2: String
  • id: Long
  • # Set a registration time with a long value in milleseconds
  • registrationTime: Date
  • applianceGroup: String!
  • userData3: String
  • userData5: String
  • phoneNumber: String
  • }