Mutation data should populate a single field to set a traffic desciptor to that type with the defined data.
link GraphQL Schema definition
- input PolicyRuleTrafDescMutationDataInput {
- # IP protocol type input data
- IpProtoDataInput :
- # VLAN ID input data
- VlanTDDataInput :
- # LLC DSAP/SSAP input data
- DsapSsapDataInput :
- # MAC address input data
- MacAddrDataInput :
- # Bridge port input data
- BridgePortDataInput :
- # TCP/UDP input data
- TcpUdpDataInput :
- # Application input data
- ApplicationDataInput :
- # IPv6 flow label input data
- Ipv6FlowLabelDataInput :
- # Priority input data
- PriorityDataInput :
- # ICMP input data
- IcmpDataInput :
- # IP time to live input data
- IpTtlDataInput :
- # IP fragment - no data parameters required
- IpFragmentDataInput :
- # IP address input data
- IpAddrDataInput :
- # Ethertype input data
- EthertypeDataInput :
- # IP type of service (DSCP) input data
- IpTosDataInput :
- }