Configure Devices

Use this task to make device configuration changes at the device level, which overrides any equivalent settings in the network policy assigned to this device.

  1. Navigate to Manage > Devices.
  2. Select a device hostname to see a details panel for that device.
  3. Hover over the icon at the top of the panel to see node type, IP address, host name, and VLAN assignments.
  4. Select the Configuration tab.
  5. Select Device Configuration.
  6. You can edit any field that is selectable.
  7. Use the add icon to create a new device template for this device.
    For information about device template creation, see Configure a Device Template.
  8. Select Save Configuration.
  9. To revert back to the network policy, from the Devices list, select the check box for this device, and from the Actions drop-down, use the Revert Device Template to Device Defaults option.