// net-auth.php
// This is a simple implementation of a script that
// receives HTTP requests that have been redirected
// by a controller configured with "Firewall-Friendly
// External Captive Portal" support enabled.
// This script is responsible for collecting critical
// information from the redirection, such as the
// session token, and for constructing the login page
// for the user. The script reads the VNS attribute
// from the redirected request so that the script can
// display it on the login page.
// The script expects the controller to sign the
// redirection response. The script validates the
// signature. If the signature is valid, it displays
// the login page. Otherwise, it displays an error page.
// Assumptions
// ===========
// 1. The controller is configured to include its IP address
// and port in the redirection URL.
// 2. The controller is configured to sign its redirection
// responses using the Amazon S3 version 4 signature
// algorithm (as of May 2014).
// 3. The controller is configured to include the VNS in its
// redirection response.
// 4. This application assumes that the Identity & Shared Key
// key pairs that it is allowed to use are stored in an associative
// array. It also assumes that some configuration options such
// as the 'service' and 'region' are stored in another associative
// array. Real applications might retrieve this information from
// a database or configuration file.
// Mainline processing starts here. Utilities are defined after
// the mainline.
// 1. Verify that the request has all necessary fields
// and a valid signature.
$rc = SimpleAws::verifyAwsUrlSignature(getURL($_SERVER),
if (SimpleAws::AWS4_ERROR_NONE != $rc) {
// Determines which controller interface to interact with
if(isset($_REQUEST['hwc_ip']) && isset($_REQUEST['hwc_port'])) {
//BM IP address and port is enabled
$hwc_ip = trim($_REQUEST['hwc_ip']);
$hwc_port = trim($_REQUEST['hwc_port']);
} else {
// The controller has not been configured as expected. It did not
// include its address and port on the redirection URL. This is
// easy to fix but all this program can do is report the error.
printError("Controller must be configured to include its IP " .
"address & port in the request.");
// Collect the data required by the login page and
// subsequent authentication.
$dest = isset($_REQUEST['dest']) ? $_REQUEST['dest'] : "";
$bssid = isset($_REQUEST['bssid']) ? $_REQUEST['bssid'] : "";
$wlan = isset($_REQUEST['wlan']) ? $_REQUEST['wlan'] : "";
$vns = isset($_REQUEST['vns']) ? $_REQUEST['vns'] : "";
$mu_mac = isset($_REQUEST['mac']) ? $_REQUEST['mac'] : "";
$ap_name = isset($_REQUEST['ap']) ? $_REQUEST['ap'] : "";
$token = isset($_REQUEST['token']) ? $_REQUEST['token'] : "";
if(!tokenCheck($token)) {
printError("Error: <span style='color:red'>Failed to process the request: incorrect token.</span>");
} else if(isset($hwc_port) && !is_numeric($hwc_port)) {
printError("Error: <span style='color:red'>Failed to process the request: incorrect port.</span>");
}else if($mu_mac && !macCheck($mu_mac)) {
printError("Error: <span style='color:red'>Failed to process the request: incorrect client MAC address.</span>");
} else if(!empty($wlan) && !is_numeric($wlan)) {
printError("Error: <span style='color:red'>Failed to process the request: incorrect WLAN.</span>");
//escape the parameters
$dest =convertUrlParam($dest);
$bssid = convertUrlParam($bssid);
$vns = convertUrlParam($vns);
$ap_name = convertUrlParam($ap_name);
// 3. Compose the login page and send it to the user. The page
// is used to store session data. This could have been
// stored in the user session variable or in cookies.
print compose_login_page($hwc_ip, $hwc_port, $token, $dest,
$wlan, $vns, $bssid, $mu_mac, $ap_name);
// 4. And exit. This script is finished executing.
// End of mainline
// A function that reconstructs the URL that the
// station was trying to Get, from the variables
// generated by the PHP runtime.
function getURL($data) {
$ssl = (!empty($data['HTTPS']) && $data['HTTPS'] == 'on') ? true:false;
$protocol = $ssl ? "https" : "http";
$port = $data['SERVER_PORT'];
$port = ((!$ssl && $port=='80') || ($ssl && $port=='443')) ? '' :
$host = isset($data['HTTP_HOST']) ? $data['HTTP_HOST'] :
$data['SERVER_NAME'] . $port;
return $protocol . '://' . $host . $data['REQUEST_URI'];
// This function generates a basic login page containing a form
// that allows the user to submit credentials back to this
// server. The page displays the name of the VNS (service) that the user
// is associated to.
// A real login page normally has more content. This routine
// highlights the critical aspects of composing a login page so
// that when the user submits credentials, all the information
// that is necessary to manage the user's session is on the page.
function compose_login_page($hwc_ip, $hwc_port, $token, $dest,
$wlan, $vns, $bssid, $mu_mac, $ap_name)
$template = "<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=\"ISO-8859-1\">
<title>Please Login</title>
<form id=\"Login\" name=\"Login\" method=\"post\" action=\"login.php\">
<table border='0' width='800' height='310' cellpadding='0'
<td colspan=\"3\" height=\"100\"> </td>
<td width='260' height='1' border='0'/>
<td width='300' height='65'>
Please login to use '$vns' network.</td>
<td width='240' rowspan='5'> </td>
<td align=\"right\"><b>User Name </b>
<td height=\"28\">
<input type=\"text\" autocomplete=\"off\"
id=\"userid\" name=\"userid\"
<td align=\"right\"><b>Password </b>
<td height=\"28\"><input type=\"password\"
id=\"passwd\" name=\"passwd\" tabindex=\"2\">
<td height=\"33\" valign=\"bottom\"><input
style=\"width: 100px\" value=\"Login\"
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"hwc_ip\" id=\"hwc_ip\"
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"hwc_port\" id=\"hwc_port\"
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"token\" id=\"token\"
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"dest\" id=\"dest\"
value=\"http://$dest\" />
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"wlan\" id=\"wlan\"
value=\"$wlan\" />
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"mu_mac\" id=\"mu_mac\"
value=\"$mu_mac\" />
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"bssid\" id=\"bssid\"
value=\"$bssid\" />
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ap\" id=\"ap\"
value=\"$ap_name\" />
return $template;