Adding a Centralized Site with Device Group

Before you create a site, know the following information about your network:
  • AP licensing domain
  • AP models.

For this deployment scenario, the licensing domain is ROW (Rest of World).

For this deployment scenario, the AP model is AP3915.

  1. Go to Configure > Sites > Add and configure the following parameters:
    Select Toronto Canada.

    This value corresponds to the licensing domain ROW.

    Canada: America/Toronto
  2. Create one or more device groups for the site.
    All APs in a device group must share the following:
    • AP model number
    • Configuration Profile
    • RF Management Profile

    Go to Configure > Sites and select a site. Then, select Device Groups > Add and configure the following parameters:


    Select a configuration profile for the AP model. The configuration profile is specific to the AP model.

    RF Management
    Select Default ACS.
    This option displays after you have selected the configuration profile, because the RF Management options depend on the selected configuration profile. A Centralized site supports the following AP models:
    • AP39xx supporting ACS Policy for RF Management
    • AP3xx, AP4xx, AP5xx.


      AP4xx and AP5xx currently require manual channel plan configuration when used in a Centralized site. Go to Configure > Devices > Access Points and select an AP5xx model. For more information, see Configure AP Radio Settings in the User Guide
  3. Select from the list of discovered APs.
    Auto-discovered APs that match the selected configuration profile display in a list on the Create Device Group dialog.
  4. Click OK.
    Click to expand in new window
    Create Device Group AP3915
  5. Click Save on the Site page to save the site and device group.
    Click to expand in new window
    Centralized Site with One Device Group

Next, configure an internal captive portal.