Placing Devices

As long as an AP is a member of a device group within the site, it can be placed on any map that is associated with that site. From the floor plan Configuration, you must first select the device groups to work with, then select a floor plan that includes APs from the selected device groups.

Switches associated with the site can be placed on a floor plan.

To place a device on a floor plan:

  1. Go to Configure > Sites. Add a new site or select a site and select Floor Plans tab.
  2. Select Draw Tools to display floor plan tools.
  3. Select the Place Devices field, and select an AP or switch from the drop-down list. The Place Devices field is populated with APs that are part of a selected device group and switches that are part of the site.
    This field supports auto-complete. You can type one or more characters in the Select a device to find devices.
  4. Select the device from the list.
    The cursor changes to a device icon .
  5. Select on the floor plan to place the device.
  6. If you need to move the device on the floor plan, first select the selector tool, then select the device icon and move it on the map.
  7. To save the floor map, select Save.
  8. Select to display the floor plan View page.
Next, go to Assigning Badges.