efa tenant vrf create

Creates a VRF.


efa tenant vrf create [ --name vrf name --tenant tenant name --rt-typevalue--rtvalueipv4static-route-next-hopdestination, next-hopipv6static-route-next-hop destination, next-hop--local-asn--ipv4-static-route-bfdvalue--ipv4-static-route-bfdvalue--ipv6-static-route-bfdvalue]


name VRF name
Specifies the name of the VRF.
tenant tenant name
Specifies the name of the tenant.
rt-type value
Routes Target VPN Community.
ipv4static-route-next-hop destination, next-hop
Specifies the ipv4 static route.
ipv6static-route-next-hop destination, next-hop
Specifies the ipv6 static route.
local-asn value
Local ASN for the vrf.
ipv4-static-route-bfd value
IPv4 Static Route BFD in the format dest-ipv4-addr,source-ipv4-addr[interval,min-rx,multiplier].
ipv6-static-route-bfd value
IPv6 Static Route BFD in the format dest-ipv6-addr,source-ipv6-addr[interval,min-rx,multiplier].


efa tenant vrf create --name vrfb31 --tenant t4 --local-asn 65234 --ipv4-static-route-next-hop, --ipv6-static-route-next-hop 3000:330::/120,4000:330::2 --ipv6-static-route-bfd 200::2,200::3,123,455,5 --ipv4-static-route-bfd,,123,456,3

Vrf created successfully.

--- Time Elapsed: 551.164847ms ---