efa tenant epg create

Creates an End Point Group (EPG). An EPG can be created from input CLI parameters such as name, po, mode, ctag, tag, port, and ept.


efa tenant epg create [--name epg-name |--tenant tenant name |--description <string>{--port port-list --po port-channel list } --switchport mode value --type--switchport-native-vlan-tagging --switchport-native-vlan --ctag-range value --vrf value --l3 vni value --l2 vni list of ctag:l2-vni --anycast-ip list of ctag:anycast-ip --anycast-ipv6 Ipv6 anycast address --local-ip Ipv4 local address --local Ipv6 local address--bridge-domain list of ctag:bridge-domain value --help]


Name of the EPG
Name of the tenant.
Description of the EPG.
Device ip along with ethernet port details. Example: SW1_IP[0/1], SW2_IP[0/5,0/6], SW3_IP[0/7-10]
List of portchannels. Example: po1, po2
Configures switch port mode on the interfaces. Valid values are access, trunk, trunk-no-default-native. Default value is set to trunk.
Configures BGP service type. Valid values are l3-hand-off and extension. Default value is extension.
Enable the native vlan characteristics on the ports of this endpoint group. Valid only if mode is set to trunk.
Configures native vlan on the interfaces. Valid values are 2 through 4090 corresponding to the value of its Ctag-range.
Customer vlan range in comma and hyphen separated format. Example: 2-20, 30, 40, 50-55.
VRF to which these networks are attached.
L3 VNI to be used for this VRF.
L2 VNI to be used for this network in the format ctag:l2-vni.
Ipv4 anycast address in the format ctag:anycast-ip.
Ipv6 anycast address in the format ctag:anycast-ipv6
Ipv4 local address in the format ctag,device-ip:local-ip
Ipv6 local address in the format ctag,device-ip:local-ipv6
Bridge domain name in the format ctag:bridge-domain.
Help for tenant epg create


efa tenant epg create --name dbase --tenant vPOD1 --po po5 --switchport-mode trunk --ctag-range 90-94 --anycast-ip
 90:,91:,94: --vrf DB