efa inventory device snmp host create

Creates an SNMP v2c or v3 host.

efa inventory device snmp host create [--ip device-ip | --host-ip IPv4 | IPv6 | FQDN |--community community | --user user | --version v2c | v3 | --notify-type traps | informs | --engine-id remote_id | --help]
--ip device-ip
Specifies a comma-separated range of device IP addresses. Example:,,
--host-ip IPv4 | IPv6 | FQDN
Host IP address.
--community community
Community name. Applicable for v2c only.
--user user
SNMP v3 user.
--version v2c | v3
SNMP version.
--notify-type traps | informs
Notification type. Informs are valid for v3 only.
--engine-id remote_id
Remote engine Id of manager.

Hex string format with colon as separator. String size must be between 10-65. Example: 02:03:04:05:06.

Displays help.

The command creates an SNMP v2c or v3 host.

Engine-id and informs are applicable only for SNMP v3 hosts.

efa inventory device snmp host create –-host-ip 
--community tempv2community --version v2c –-notify-type traps 
efa inventory device snmp host create –host-ip 
--user v3user --version v3 -–notify-type informs –engine-id 02:03:04:05:06  