efa inventory device firmware-download execute

Clears out the prepared list for successfully completed devices. Any failed devices will remain in the prepared list to allow for the run to be retried.


efa inventory device firmware-download execute --fabric fabric-name | [ --noAutoCommit ] | [ --noMaintMode ] | --group-execution continue-on-error | stop-on-error ]


--fabric fabric-name
Specifies the name of the fabric.
Configures auto commit in firmware download. By default, the firmware download process auto-commits the firmware following successful completion. Only if you add the noAutoCommit flag, must you manually run a new efa inventory device firmware-download commit command to commit the downloaded firmware on the SLX device.
You can use the noMaintMode flag to ignore Maintainance Mode operations during firmware download. The flag defaults to FALSE, which means Maintainance Mode is turned off during Firmware Download. If you add the noMaintMode flag, no Maintenance mode operations are performed during the firmware download process.

The following table describes situations in which the noMaintMode flag works in conjunction with configuration of MaintModeOnReboot on the switch.

MaintModeOnReboot NoMaintMode(FWDL) DRC Behavior
True True DRC is triggered after reboot.
True False DRC is triggered.
False True No DRC is triggered.
False False DRC is triggered.
--group-execution continue-on-error | stop-on-error

Use the --group-execution parameter to specify the group run policy when a firmware download process failure occurs on one or more devices defined in a group. When all devices defined in the group have completed the firmware download process and there is one or more device that has failed, the group run policy rules if the firmware download workflow continues to process the remaining groups or not.

There are two options:
  • Under the continue-on-error group run policy (the default), in case of a device upgrade failure, the workflow continues to the next group, until all groups have been processed.
  • Under the stop-on-error group run policy, in case of a device upgrade failure, the workflow does not continue to the next group.

Usage Guidelines

General warning for traffic loss for single-homed servers if any leaf devices or non-Clos devices are prepared for firmware-download.

One or more devices are prepared.

Run only one instance of this command per fabric.


efa inventory device firmware-download execute --noAutoCommit --fabric fabric 
Firmware Download Execute [success] 
Monitor firmware download execution progress using: 

efa inventory device firmware-download show --fabric fabric 

Please don't execute other commands on these devices until firmware download is in progress 

Firmware download execution initiated with '--noAutoCommit' flag, please commit/restore after completion using: 

efa inventory device firmware-download commit --fabric fabric 
efa inventory device firmware-download restore --fabric fabric 

--- Time Elapsed: 126.85805ms --- 


efa inventory device firmware-download show --fabric fabric 
| IP Address  | Host Name | Model | Chassis Name | ASN | Role | Current Firmware               | Target Firmware                | Update State | Status                 | Last Update Time              | 
| | NHF-Leaf1 | 3009  | SLX9150-48Y  | 0   | Leaf | 20.2.2slxos20.2.2b_201208_0600 |                                | Not Prepared |                        |                               | 
| | NHF-Leaf2 | 3009  | SLX9150-48Y  | 0   | Leaf | 20.2.2slxos20.2.2b_201211_1800 | 20.2.2slxos20.2.2b_201211_1800 | Completed    | Firmware Not Committed | 2020-12-11 19:54:25 -0800 PST | 

Firmware Download Show Details 

Firmware Download Show Overall Status [Completed] 

If Firmware download execution initiated with '--noAutoCommit' flag, please commit/restore after completion using: 

efa inventory device firmware-download commit --fabric fabric 

efa inventory device firmware-download restore --fabric fabric  

--- Time Elapsed: 176.290954ms --- 


efa inventory device firmware-download execute --fabric fabric1 --noMaintMode
Firmware Download Execute [success]
Monitor firmware download execution progress using:
efa inventory device firmware-download show --fabric fabric1 

Please don't execute other commands on these devices until firmware download is in progress 

--- Time Elapsed: 137.250437ms ---