Use this upgrade option if the latest
version of EFA is supported on your version of TPVM.
About this task
This option is the preferred method for
upgrading EFA, SLX-OS, and TPVM. For more information about supported versions, see
Supported Platforms and Deployment Models.In the
following procedure, SLX1
refers to the active EFA node (TPVM1). SLX2 refers to the standby
EFA node (TPVM2).
Upgrade EFA to the latest
Back up EFA.
SCP the backup file to a
location outside of TPVM, such as the /efaboot
partition of SLX-OS where the EFA image is kept.
Copy the EFA 2.5.x image
to the /efaboot directory on SLX1.
Deploy EFA on SLX1.
When prompted, select Multi Node Build
If the upgrade process returns
, run
a manual DRC on all devices.
Upgrade SLX-OS to the latest version.
An SLX-OS upgrade from 20.2.3x to 20.3.2x needs a full install. The procedure performs
fabric-wide firmware download by staging the devices in multiple groups with
no traffic disruption. Complete the following steps to download firmware on
all the devices in the fabric.
From the EFA command
line on TPVM1 (the active node), upgrade SLX2 to the latest SLX-OS
efa inventory firmware-host register --ip <fw-host-ip>
--protocol scp --username <username> --password <password>
From the EFA command
line on SLX1, upgrade SLX-OS from 20.2.3x to 20.3.2b.
efa inventory device firmware-download prepare add --fabric <fabric name>
--firmware-host <fw-host-ip> --firmware-directory <fw-path>
efa inventory device firmware-download prepare list --fabric <fabric name>
efa inventory device firmware-download execute --fabric <fabric name>
efa inventory device firmware-download show --fabric <fabric name>
From the EFA command line,
upgrade TPVM2 (SLX2) to the latest TPVM version.
You upgrade TPVM2 first because it is in
the standby node.
Back up EFA.
Verify the trusted-peer configuration on SLX1 and SLX2.
device# show running tpvm
(If a trusted-peer is
present on at least one node) From the EFA command line on TPVM1, run
the following command to upgrade TPVM2.
efa inventory device tpvm-upgrade execute <SLX2-IP>
--firmware-host <fw-host-ip> --tpvm-image <path-for-tpvm.deb>
(If a trusted-peer is
not present on either node) From the EFA command line on TPVM1, run the
following command upgrade TPVM2.
efa inventory device tpvm-upgrade execute <SLX2-IP>
--firmware-host <fw-host-ip> --tpvm-image <path-for-tpvm.deb>
--trusted-peer-sudo-user <username> --trusted-peer-password <password>
From the EFA command
line, verify the TPVM upgrade process.
efa inventory device tpvm-upgrade show -–ip <SLX2-IP>
When the status of the
upgrade is complete, perform the following (from the EFA command line)
on both nodes.
- Run efa
status to verify that both nodes are up.
- Run efactl status to verify that all pods on the
active node are in Running state.
- Run efactl db-status
to verify that the MariaDB is active (running)
(Optional) Verify the TPVM status on SLX2.
Upgrade TPVM1 (SLX1) to the
latest TPVM version.
From the SLX-OS command
line on SLX1, stop and start TPVM to force a failover.
device# tpvm stop
device# tpvm start
When EFA synchronizes after the failover, view the output of the
following commands to ensure that both nodes are in their proper
- Run efa status to verify that both nodes are
- Run efactl status to verify that all pods on
the active node are in Running state.
- Run efactl db-status to verify that the
MariaDB is active (running)
From the EFA command
line on TPVM2 (the active EFA), upgrade TPVM.
efa inventory device tpvm-upgrade execute --ip <slx-hosting-stby-efa>
--firmware-host <firmware-host-ip> --tpvm-image <image-path-on-host>
From the EFA command line, verify the TPVM upgrade process.
efa inventory device tpvm-upgrade show -–ip <SLX1-IP>
If the upgrade process shows a failure, take the following steps.
- Run device# show run tpvm to verify whether
the trusted-peer on the SLX device is configured with the
correct IP address.
- If the IP address is incorrect, correct it manually and repeat the upgrade process
starting with step 4.c.
When the upgrade is
complete, perform the following (from the EFA command line) on both
- Run efa
status to verify that both nodes are up.
- Run efactl status to verify that all pods on the
active node are in Running state.
- Run efactl db-status to verify that the MariaDB is
active (running).
(Optional) Verify the TPVM status on SLX1.