Configure BGP MD5 Password Create, Update, and Clear

Use the efa fabric setting update command to set or clear the MD5 password on a new fabric.

About this task

Here is the efa fabric setting update command:

efa fabric setting update --name <fabric-name> --md5-password-enable <yes/no> --md5-password <password> 

If the command is entered with md5-password-enable as “yes” but without the md5-password option, then a prompt is displayed to input string and the password string entered using the prompt is not displayed on the screen.



When providing a password string in the command line, that is using efa fabric setting update --name <fabric-name> --md5-password <password>, if the string contains special characters, then you must enclose the string in single quotes. For example efa fabric setting update --name fabric1 --md5-password ‘pass%!‘. Enclosing the password string in single quotes is not required when the string is entered using the prompt.

After setting the md5-password, you must configure the fabric, using the command efa fabric configure --name <fabric-name>, to apply this MD5 password on fabric devices so that the BGP neighbor sessions are authenticated.

When you configure the md5-password on a fabric that has just been created, or a fabric that has not yet been configured, there is no change in the device app-state. However, if the md5-password is set after the fabric is configured, there is a new app-state, the fabric setting is refreshed (and devices will be set to), indicating the fabric properties have been modified and the fabric has to be reconfigured to apply the new settings. As part of fabric configuration, when the MD5 password was successfully configured on all the fabric links on a device, the app state on that device will go back to cfg-in-sync state.


  1. Run the efa fabric setting update --name <fabric-name> --md5-password-enable <yes/no> --md5-password <password> command to set the MD5 password.
    efa fabric setting update --name fabric1 --md5-password-enable yes
    Please supply a password for BGP MD5 authentication on fabric links:
  2. Run the efa fabric configure --name <fabric-name> command to apply this MD5 password on fabric devices so that the BGP neighbor sessions are authenticated.
    To create or update MD5 authentication:
    efa fabric configure --name fabric1
    To clear MD5 authentication:
    efa fabric setting update --name fabric1 --md5-password-enable no
    efa fabric configure --name fabric1

    When you configure the md5-password on a fabric that has just been created, or a fabric that has not yet been configured, there is no change in the device app-state. However, if the md5-password is set after the fabric is configured, the fabric status is set to settings-updated along with the field BGP-MD5 , indicating that settings have been updated. This indicates that the fabric properties have been modified and the fabric has to be reconfigured to apply the new settings. As part of fabric configure, when the devices are successfully configured, the fabric status will go back to configure-success.


    Fabric Name: fabric1, Fabric Description: , Fabric Stage: 3, Fabric Type: clos, Fabric Status: settings-updated
    Updated Fabric Settings: BGP-MD5
    | |     | spine1    | 64512 | spine | provisioned   | cfg in-sync | MD5               | MD5-U           | NA      | 1     |
    | |     | spine2    | 64512 | spine | provisioned   | cfg in-sync | MD5               | MD5-U           | NA      | 1     |
    | |     | leaf1     | 65002 | leaf  | provisioned   | cfg in-sync | MD5               | MD5-U           | 2       | 1     |
    | |     | leaf2     | 65002 | leaf  | provisioned   | cfg in-sync | MD5               | MD5-U           | 2       | 1     |
    | |     | leaf3     | 65000 | leaf  | provisioned   | cfg in-sync | MD5               | MD5-U           | 2       | 1     |
    | |     | leaf4     | 65000 | leaf  | provisioned   | cfg in-sync | MD5               | MD5-U           | 2       | 1     |
    BGPLL - BGP Dynamic Peer Listen Limit, BGP-MD5 - BGP MD5 Password
    LD - Link Delete, LA - Link Add, IU - Interface Update, PLC - IPPrefixList Create, PLD - IPPrefixList Delete, PLU - IPPrefixList Update
    MD/MU - MCT Delete/Update, OD - Overlay Gateway Delete, OU - Overlay Gateway Update, ED - Evpn Delete, PC - RouterPim Create, PD - RouterPim Delete, BGP – BGP Config
    DD - Dependent Device Update, DA - Device Add, DR - Device ReAdd, ASN - Asn Update, PU - RouterPim Update, SYS - System Properties Update, NA - Not Applicable
    MCT - MCT Cluster, O - Overlay Gateway, SYSP - System Properties, INTIP - Interface IP, BGP – BGP Config
    C/D/U - Create/Delete/Update, PA/PD - Port Add/Port Delete
    For App or Device Error/Failure reason, run "efa fabric error show" for details
    For config refresh reason, run "efa fabric debug config-gen-reason" for details


    When the MD5 password is updated, for the new configuration to take effect, the neighbor sessions have to be cleared, resulting in a network outage until the new sessions are established. Because the configuration of the MD5 password toggles the network, a new warning message with a confirmation is provided indicating the impact of the md5-password setting on an active fabric, before it is applied. This warning message is displayed only when there is a need to reconfigure the fabric, that is, the password is set after the fabric is configured.
    efa fabric setting modify --name fabric1 --md5-password-enable yes
    Please supply a password for BGP MD5 authentication on fabric links:
    WARNING: configuring/clearing md5-password on an active fabric will result in BGP neighborsessions 
    going down for a brief period when the fabric is reconfigured.
    Please confirm if you want to continue with the fabric setting update [y/n]?