configure policy profile

configure policy profile profile_index {name name} {pvid pvid} {pvid-status pvid_status} {cos cos} {cos-status cos_status} {egress-vlans egress_vlan_list}{forbidden-vlans forbidden_vlans} {untagged-vlans untagged_vlans} {append | clear} {tci-overwrite tci_overwrite} {precedence [precedence | default]} {auth-override auth_override} {nsi [nsi | none]} {web-redirect web_redir_index} {access-list [unassigned | list_name | list_name_placeholder]}


Creates a policy profile entry.

Syntax Description

profile_index Policy ID (1-63).
name Policy profile name.
name Profile name string 1-64 characters.
pvid-status PVID status (enable/disable).
pvid PVID value (0-4,095). Default is 1, which specifies Default VLAN.
cos-status CoS status (enable/disable).
cos Class of Service value (0-22).
egress-vlans Egress VLAN list (1-4094).
forbidden-vlan Forbidden VLAN list (1–4,094).
untagged-vlans Untagged VLAN list (1-4,094).
append Append to one of Egress, Forbidden, Untagged VLAN list.
clear Clear from one of Egress, Forbidden, Untagged VLAN list.

TCI-overwrite status (enable/disable).

Note: The ExtremeSwitching X435 platform does not support TCI-overwrite.
Note: With tci-overwrite disabled, you can only add a VLAN to incoming packets that are untagged or priority tagged (priority set, but vlan=0).
auth-override Configures authentication override using a port profile attribute. No further authentication occurs on the port if enabled.
auth_override Authentication override status: "enable" or "disable". Default is disabled.
Specifies setting the policy classification rule precedence.
Note: You cannot set a precedence if the rule model is set for ACL Style Policy (access-list). To set the rule model, use the command configure policy rule-model [access-list | hierarchical].

Sets the rule precedence (for example: 1–2, 10, 12–18, 20–23, 25, 31).

To see the supported rules, use show policy profile {all | profile_index} {detail} .

default Sets the default rule precedence, rather than a custom one (1–2, 10, 12–19, 23, 20–22, 25, 31).
web-redirect Configures web-redirect.
web_redir_index Configures a web redirect index (range = 1–10). Default is 0, which is disabled.
nsi Network Service Identifier. For Fabric Attach and VXLAN (VNI = NSI), provides a mechanism to apply the VLAN/NSI mappings in policy using a profile-based attribute.
nsi NSI 24-bit value ranging from 1 to 16,777,215.
none No NSI for the VLAN (default).
access-list Designates assigning an access list to this profile.
unassigned Removes an assigned access list (default).
list_name Selects the access list name to assign to this profile. Type the access-list name as shown in the provided list.
list_name_placeholder Allows you to provide an access-list name that does not currently exist to assign to this profile.


If optional parameters are not specified, none are applied.

Web direct is disabled by default.

The default for NSI is none.

If no PVID value is given, the default is 1 (Default VLAN).

If you do not set a policy classification rule precedence, the default order is used (1–2, 10, 12–19, 23, 20–22, 25, 31).

By default, not access list is assigned to a profile.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create a policy profile entry.


This example shows how to create a policy profile 1 named "netadmin" with PVID override enabled for PVID 10, and Class-of-Service override enabled for CoS 5. This profile can use VLAN 10 for untagged egress:

# configure policy profile 1 name netadmin pvid-status enable pvid 10 cos-status enable cos 5 untagged-vlans 10


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 16.1.

The authentication override parameter was added in ExtremeXOS 22.2.

The NSI keyword was added in ExtremeXOS 22.5.

Policy classification rule precedence re-ordering was added in ExtremeXOS 30.2.

Access list capability was added in ExtremeXOS 30.5.

Platform Availability

This command is available on ExtremeSwitching X435, X440-G2, X450-G2, X460-G2, X465, X590, X620, X690, and X695 series switches.