show edp

show edp {ports [all | ports] {detail | vlan-id {mismatch {untagged}} {neighbor nbr}}}


Displays connectivity and configuration information for neighboring Extreme Networks switches.

Syntax Description


Specifies all ports.


Specifies one or more ports or slots and ports.

vlan-id Shows local and neighbor VLAN IDs.
mismatch Shows only VLAN IDs that are mismatched to neighbor VLAN IDs.
untagged Shows only mismatches for untagged ports.
neighbor Shows only VLAN IDs for a specific neighbor.
nbr Specifies the neighbor by Neighbor-ID (for example: 00:00:08:00:27:f3:f8:d9).
detail Shows detailed information.



Usage Guidelines

port_list can be one or more port numbers. For a detailed explanation of port specification, see Port Numbering in Command Reference Overview To clear the counters, use the clear lacp counters command.

The neighbor-ID value is eight bytes. The first two bytes are always set to 00:00; the last six bytes are set to the neighbor‘s system MAC address.

Use the show edp command to display neighboring switches and configurations. This is most effective with Extreme Networks switches.


The following example displays the configuration of the switch:

# show edp
EDP advert-interval     :60 seconds
EDP holddown-interval   :180 seconds
EDP enabled on ports    :1:1  1:2  1:3  1:4  1:5  1:6  3:1  3:2  3:3  3:4

The following example shows Extreme switch connectivity and configuration information for port 1:1:

# show edp ports 1:1
Port   Neighbor                       Neighbor-ID Remote  Age    Num
Port         Vlans
1:1    Oban                      00:00:00:30:48:41:ed:97   1:1    54     1

The following example displays detailed connectivity and configuration information of neighboring Extreme switches on port 1:1:

# show edp ports 1:1 detail

Port 1:1: EDP is Enabled
Tx stats: sw-pdu-tx=2555       vlan-pdu-tx=1465       pdu-tx-err=0
Rx stats: sw-pdu-rx=2511       vlan-pdu-rx=2511       pdu-rx-err=0
Time of last transmit error: None
Time of last receive error:  None
Remote-System:          Oban                       Age = 41
Remote-ID:              00:00:00:30:48:41:ed:97
Software version:
Remote-Port:            1:1
Port Type:              Ethernet
Auto Negotiation:       OFF
Flow Control:           SYMMETRIC/ASYMMETRIC
Duplex Speed:           Configured = HALF       Actual = HALF
Port Speed (MB):        Configured = ERROR      Actual = 100 Mbps
test (4094)  Age = 41

The following example shows local and neighbor VLAN IDs on port 3:

# show edp port 3 vlan-id
Local    Remote                      |------- Local VLAN -------| |---------- Remote VLAN ---------|
Port  Port  Neighbor ID                ID  Name                     ID  Name                     Age
----- ----- ------------------------ ----- ---------------------- ----- ----------------------- ----
3     1:3   00:00:08:00:27:88:2e:2b   200* v2-deepsouth            200* v2-deepsouth              10
                                      300  v3-articnorth           300  v3-articnorth             10
----- ----- ------------------------ ----- ---------------------- ----- ----------------------- ----
3     1:3   00:00:08:00:27:f2:57:b5+                                 1  Default                   12
                                      200  v2-deepsouth                                             
                                      300  v3-articnorth                                            
----- ----- ------------------------ ----- ---------------------- ----- ----------------------- ----
3     1:3   00:00:08:00:27:f3:e8:c9   200* v2-deepsouth                                             
                                      300  v3-articnorth           300* v3-articnorth              7
----- ----- ------------------------ ----- ---------------------- ----- ----------------------- ----

Flags: (*) Port is untagged in VLAN, (+) Neighbor does not send port tagged/untagged information

The following example show mismatched neighbor VLAN IDs for untagged ports on port 3 :

# show edp port 3 vlan-id mismatch untagged
Local    Remote                      |------- Local VLAN -------| |---------- Remote VLAN ---------|
Port  Port  Neighbor ID                ID  Name                     ID  Name                     Age
----- ----- ------------------------ ----- ---------------------- ----- ----------------------- ----
3     1:3   00:00:08:00:27:f3:e8:c9   200* v2-deepsouth                                             
                                      300  v3-articnorth           300* v3-articnorth             11
----- ----- ------------------------ ----- ---------------------- ----- ----------------------- ----


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 10.1.

Mismatched VLAN IDs check ability was added in ExtremeXOS 30.3.

Platform Availability

This command is available on ExtremeSwitching X435, X440-G2, X450-G2, X460-G2, X465, X590, X620, X690, and X695 series switches.