enable bgp neighbor address-family l2vpn-evpn

enable bgp {neighbor [remoteaddr | all]} {{address-family} l2vpn-evpn} next-hop-unchanged


Enables overriding the BGP specification behavior with respect to the next-hop of routes advertised to EBGP peers.

Syntax Description

bgp Specifies BGP.
neighbor Specifies BGP neighbor.
remoteaddr Specifies BGP neighbor IP address.
all Specifies all BGP neighbors.
address-family Specifies address family.
l2vpn-evpn Specifies L2VPN EVPN address-family type.
next-hop-unchanged Enables preserving the BGP next-hop when routes are advertised to EBGP peers (default is disabled).


Default is that next-hop-unchanged is disabled.

Usage Guidelines

This command enables overriding the specification behavior with respect to the next-hop of routes advertised to EBGP peers. Specifically, it maintains the BGP next-hop for routes advertised to EBGP peers instead of replacing the next-hop with either the outgoing interface IP address or the local loopback address.

When enabling the address family l2vpn-evpn in an EBGP configuration, the option next-hop-unchanged must also be enabled.


The following example enables next-hop unchanged for BGP neighbor at

# enable bgp neighbor l2vpn-evpn next-hop-unchanged


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 30.2.

Platform Availability

This command is available on platforms that support the appropriate license. For complete information about software licensing, including how to obtain and upgrade your license and which licenses support the BGP feature, see the ExtremeXOS 32.5 Feature License Requirements document.