Disables redistribution of routes to OSPF.
bgp | Specifies BGP routes. |
direct | Specifies direct routes. |
host-mobility | Specifies host mobility. |
e-bgp | Specifies E-BGP routes. |
i-bgp | Specifies I-BGP routes. |
rip | Specifies RIP routes. |
static | Specifies static routes. |
isis | Specifies IS-IS routes. |
isis-level-1 | Specifies ISIS Level 1 routes. |
isis-level-1-external | Specifies ISIS Level 1 External routes. |
isis-level-2 | Specifies ISIS Level 2 routes. |
isis-level-2-external | Specifies ISIS Level 2 External routes. |
The default setting is disabled.
Use this command to stop OSPF from exporting routes derived from other protocols.
The following command disables OSPF to export BGP-related routes to other OSPF routers:
disable ospf export bgp
This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 10.1.
This command is available on platforms with an Advanced Edge or Base license, or higher, as described in the ExtremeXOS 32.5 Feature License Requirements document.